Chapter 4😜(mostly pictures)

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The last few months were uneventful but you could most definitely tell I was pregnant

The last few months were uneventful but you could most definitely tell I was pregnant

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I'm ready to pop 😂 but I was now living with Kentrell

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I'm ready to pop 😂 but I was now living with Kentrell. He was so sweet! Me and Lele still hung out but duhh were best friends! We took the best pictures

 He was so sweet! Me and Lele still hung out but duhh were best friends! We took the best pictures

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Then picture of us and Cierra came up

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Then picture of us and Cierra came up

Then picture of us and Cierra came up

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The last picture made me cry😭 I miss her so bad then I listed to our hit song

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The last picture made me cry😭 I miss her so bad then I listed to our hit song

So that really just hurt my feelings that she would say that about my baby and we been rocking together for years.
Cierra's POV: it's been months since i talked to Shaliyah and I really miss her and I feel really bad about talking about her baby

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