A Dance To Remember (Part 1)

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You had been in paris a couple of weeks now you know everyone and your way around and your friend Marinette fell for some other guy named Luka.

It was a normal day at school you went to your classes and everything, at lunch you sat outside with Adrien "Hey so my dad is having a ball do you want to come?" thoughts of dancing with him filled your mind even though he didn't say be his date you still had thoughts of you dancing the night away. "I would love to Adrien," He gave you the cutest smile "ok it's on saturday and it starts at Nine." The bell rang and you and Adrien walked to class


You walked home with your mind on Adrien as usual you were thinking about dancing with him but then you realized you had no idea how to slow dance you started to panic, too embarrassed to call any of your friends for help you just looked up slow dancing videos on youtube trying to mimic what they did, but you couldn't it was just to hard. You decided to just go shopping for a suit/dress.

For boys: You buy a fitted black suit

For girls: You buy a beautiful turquoise dress

You went back home and locked your door and practiced dancing but still just didn't get it. You decided that you wouldn't dance at all, when you went to the ball you would just sit and smile. You heard 3 knocks on your window you knew exactly who it was you opened the window door for cat noir who had been checking up on you every other day, it was sweet of him.

"I gotta say your not really the dancing type," he let out a giggle "you were watching me,". you let out a sigh of frustration hiding your embarrassment. "Want me to show you?" He held his hand out making that cute smirk he always does "Really?" He grabbed your hand and put one if your hands on his shoulder and another right above your hip "I insist" he smirked again.

You spent an hour dancing with him you felt like a pro. "So [Y/N] why do you want to learn how to dance anyway?" He sat on your chair "oh my friend invited me to a ball," you blushed "save a dance for me," cat noir Smiled "you just had yours!" you laughed as well. You talked to cat noir until his ring beeped he told you that if he didn't charge it his identity would be revealed.


It was around 8:50 you were already ready for the ball, and decided to be fashionably late. You were sitting on the couch watching T.V in your suit/dress. RING RING your doorbell rang you weren't expecting any visitors. You stood up and answered the door, to your surprise it was Adrien! You stumbled slightly but managed to save yourself from falling back. "Adrien what are you doing here?" You asked "I'm here to pick you up," he replied nonchalantly, as though it were the most obviously thing in the world.

A light blush dusted your cheeks as you thanked him "shall we?" He asked holding out his arm out with a grin on his face, you looked at his arm for a moment before replying, "we shall," and taking his arm.

You got in the limo and the inside was beautiful "Wow, I've never seen the inside of the limo before," Adrien looked at you and smiled "Well now you have." You smiled back at him "So who else is coming?" you asked Adrien "Oh, nobody my dad said I could only invite one of my friends, so I decided to bring you" You blused hard as Adrien gave you a smile. "You look so amazing tonight [Y/N]." Your face lit up "Y-you to,"

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