Never Let Go

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(Second Prompt)

"Come on Jamie you can do this" he said to himself as he stared at the huge two story house that stood proudly infront of him. He had seen the house everyday on the way home since moving to the new town, but that wasn't what caught his eye, no, what caught his eye was the sad looking girl who would always stand on the balcony, staring off into the distance, as if looking for something she had lost. Jamie pulled his coat closer to him as the winter wind howled around him, knocking blonde wavy locks across his face, he finally mustered up the courage to move away from his car, the sound of dried leaves crunched underneath his feet with each step he took. Jamie reluctantly walked up the front steps to the house, praying that they held up, that's another thing that bothered him, the house was really run down, it looked as if no one had lived there for years, the once titanium white paint now was a dull white that was slowly peeling off the house, the porch creaked under every step he took and most the window's were busted out. When Jamie reached the front door he was a little surprised to see that the door was wide open, was someone in the house, Jamie thought to himself, he hadn't seen any other cars but that really didn't mean anything. When Jamie entered the house, he couldn't believe how beautiful the house was, especially considering how run down it was, there was a chandelier lying in the middle of the floor, a grand staircase to the left of the foyer, dusty white sheet's hung over what little furniture was left in the house, Jamie carefully made his way around the broken chandelier, right when he was about to make his way up the staircase he heard what sounded like a woman's voice.

"H-Hello" Janie stuttered out, suddenly not feeling as confident as before, Jamie released a shaky breath as he used his hand to comb back his hair, it's just your imagination, he thought, his whole life he struggled with being a medium, being able to see the dead really made it hard for him to live a normal life, sighing, he shook his head ridding himself of those awful memories.

(Lana's pov)

She watched from afar as the blonde haired boy made his way up the staircase, something about him seemed so familiar to her, from the way his lips held a pout to them or how his blue eyes looked like the ocean on a cold winters day. She had been so lost in thought she didn't even notice him staring at her, what do I do, she thought as they held each other's gaze.

"L-Lana" he said as his eyes saddened and a pained expression swept over his face.

"J-Jamie" memories of their time together came rushing back to her as tears found their way to her eyes.

(Jamie's pov)

Jamie stormed out of the house as tears streamed down his face, why her, why did it have to be Lana, he thought as he got into his car.

"Why" he screamed out as he slammed his hands against the steering wheel, he had tried so hard to forget about her but he knew it was useless, he reached into his pocket, pulling out his car keys as he entered them into the ignition, putting the car into reverse as he pulled out of the driveway and onto the main road as he started his long drive home.


Jamie stood there in disbelief, it couldn't be her, he thought as he stared at Lana who stood infront of him with tear filled eyes.

"Why" Jamie asked causing Lana to look at him with a confused expression. "Why did you leave me"

"I" Lana said, not being able to get anything else out. Jamie still remembered that day very well, Lana had never showed up for school that day, he figured she was just sick or something but when his parents showed up later that day to pick him up from school he knew something wasn't right, when he got home his parents broke the news to him, saying Lana's parent's had found her dead that morning, apparently she had overdosed on a bottle of pain killers.

"Do you remember the promise you made to me" he said. "You promised me you would never leave me" Jamie said wiping away his tears. "But you broke your promise"

"I'm sorry Jamie"

"Do you even realize how much I loved you, how much I still love you"

"Y-You love me"

"Of course I do, how could I not love you, you are everything to me"

"I, I have to go" Lana said with guilt filled eyes.

"No wait" but it was to late, she was already gone.

*End of Flashback*

When Jamie got home, he went straight to his room, he just needed to be alone, sighing, Jamie pulled the covers over his head as he tried to go to sleep. Jamie could feel the space next to him dip down, his body tensed up as his mind went into over drive, did his mom or dad come in without him not hearing, just as he was about to uncover his head he heard a familiar voice.

"Jamie, I don't have much time left but I need you to know, I love you" Lana said. "I always loved you and I always will, I'm sorry I broke my promise to you but I was going through some issues and I thought if I did what I did it would solve those problems but I regret my choices, I'm glad that you love me but promise me you'll move on, promise me you'll find happiness again, because someone as amazing as you will find love again, but the most important promise I have for you is please don't forget about me and never let go of our memories, I have to go now, I love you Jamie and I'll see you again one day my friend" Jamie removed the covers from his head only to see he was the only one in the bed, a sad smile made it's way to his lips as he looked at the picture of the two of them on his nightstand.

"I promise" Jamie said as tears rolled down his cheeks, he reached over grabbing the picture frame. "I promise you Lana, and I'll keep that promise till the day comes that we meet again" Jamie brought the frame to his chest, pulling the covers back over him as he finally drifted off to sleep with memories of Lana occupying his mind.

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