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^^Just one of their videos^^

SOOOO...today I went to meet Sam and Colby right? And omg it was the BEST THING EVER!!!!

But....there were some flaws aka:LJ

The wait: I waited I think 2 hours outside which wasn't that bad because I had some friends out their that talked about BTS with me the whole time. It was really hot but I'm not complaining.

Pictures: The girl that was taking the pictures obviously had no idea how to keep the camera still and take a non-blurry picture and she was rushing me including everyone else. I mean I understand that their is other people waiting but I spent $120 dollars to actually talk to them not just get rushed and touch them once. Because I got rushed I only got one pose😢. But at least I got that.

Signatures: When I got a signature I was also getting rushed. I handed them their gift and then they both signed my poster and then they waved bye. Like do I not get a hug?? But I guess that part was 'ok'.

Waiting: We were waiting for the rest of the people to go through the line and I sat on a barstool with my mom. The barstool was sitting right next to Sam and Colby and where they took the pictures and signed the stuff. So I just sat there and watched them technically the whole time. THEN my mom was like I dare you to get his attention and then give him a high-five. So I said OK! So when they were walking over to the table right next to the barstool I tried but he didn't hear me so I waited for the next time he would walk over. And this time HE HEARD ME!! So I took a video of it but I can only put pictures and the picture will be at the end let me explain it first. I said his name "Colby!" And then he looked at me and I held my hand out for a high-five like my mom dared me. And instead of giving me a high-five he GRABBED MY HAND AND LOOKED INTO MY SOUL!! Excuse me what? That's illegal.

Spare Time: So the VIP took a shorter time than expected so they went on stage and took some questions. I of course asked a question. "Colby do you love me?!?" I yelled when he called on me because.........why not??

The Show: After the rest of the people did what they needed for the meet and greet it was time for the concert. The way they came on stage was beautiful. The wore black face masks and a black ¿cloak? (<Idk what it was) They did trivia they did a Q&A and they had a dance party with us at the end. Let's just say my throat hurts so bad now. So do my ears. And someone fainted close to the end. He didn't know what they were saying when people said she passed out so he put a thumbs up and then he said "oh she passed out ok LJ can you help" or something like that.

Overall: The overall thing was amazing ig. I had a really fun time and I was cool meeting my emo boyfriend.

Stupid: When I was done taking my picture and waiting for my signature my mom noticed something. She told me "Charlee Colby keeps checking you out" and I just told her "first of all that's illegal and second of all no he isn't" then i realized he did keep looking at me. I was really confused because I know he is desperate for a girlfriend but he can't be that desperate. Then in one of my videos he looks down at his pants and starts pulling his shirt down over it. Idk if this is actually true though I mean I was wearing a crop top but that doesn't make a difference. Anyways...

PCD: PCD is post concert depression. I definitely have that right now bc im REALLY depressed bc I REALLY miss them already. But I guess I'm just lucky they both were in my arms once.



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