When I went to meet up with Gabe on Tuesday, we talked for a while about our relationship. He seemed so happy talking about how we were together, that I couldn't bring myself to tell him that I wanted to break up. So instead, we ended up walking around town and talking about anything that could come to mind.

It's been three, long months and Gabe and I are still together. But a few things have changed. Now I sit at his table with all the jocks and Katie has to sit alone, after lunch I talk with him and his friends and Katie sits in the field alone, every few days after school Gabe and I go out together. It's exhausting.

Katie isn't handling the situation too well either. "Why can't you just tell him, Elena?" She'd ask, holding my hands in hers.

"Because, it w-would break h-his h-heart, Katie." I'd say as she pulled me closer.

"Well then can I do it?" She'd play with my hair or cup my cheek.

"No, Katie, I have to d-do it. I just d-don't know wh-when." I'd say, looking away from her so I wouldn't see the sadness in her eyes. She'd pull my chin up and quickly connect our lips. The kiss would last a few seconds, both of us kissing back passionately. "I can't," I would say as I pushed us apart.

"But does it really count as cheating if you're going to break up with him," Katie would say, putting my hair behind my ear.

"You know h-how much I w-want to b-but I can't. Not until w-were officially br-broken up." The same situation would play out just a bit differently about once a week. If I could break it off with Gabe it would be so much easier.

One day after school when Gabe and I were walking around town I asked him to sit down in a shop with me. We sat at a table and chatted for a while. "So, why'd you want to come in here?" He asked, holding my hand over the table.

"B-Because my feet h-hurt," I tried to laugh. He smiled and reached up to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. "And um, I need to talk to y-you about about something im-important." I pulled my hand from his and looked down at my lap for a few seconds before looking him in the eyes.

"What is it, Elena?" He asked, smiling but I could see the nervousness in his eyes.

"I-I d-do-don't think that that our um well I d-don't w-wan-wa-want to I m-mean," I stuttered.

"It's ok you can tell me," he smiled.

"I, don't think, that, we," I had to take breaks between words to gather my thoughts, " are, good, to-together." All and all it took me a few minutes to choke out the words. And when I did, Gabe gave me a small, sad smile.

"I mean, if that's what you want, I'm ok with it. I guess. I could see it coming I guess." I could see anger and sadness in his eyes. He scratched the back of his neck and looked at me. "Can I just get a goodbye kiss?"

I nodded because I guess that's the least I could do after breaking up with him. The goodbye kiss was longer than I anticipated and after it was over he gave a quick "bye" and walked out of the store. I decided I'd tell Katie.

Elena: Katie, I just broke up with Gabe.
Katie: Pls tell me ur not joking?!
Elena: Dead serious 🖤
Katie: can u come over rn? 💖
Elena: Yea, give me 20 min
Katie: Ok, ily 💖
Elena: I love you too 🖤
Katie: 😘
Elena: 😘

I took a bus from town to near Katie's house and walked the rest of the way.

Elena: Treehouse?
Katie: treehouse

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