Hitch Hiker

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"This party's CRAZY!" screamed Kane, Josh's best friend since primary school. They had never had a fight in their whole lives with each other. They couldn't become closer than they already are. Kane's newly shaved head didn't suit him Josh thought.

Josh is half way through year 11 at high school and is doing very successfully. He gets A's and always does his homework and assignments, but apart from his academic life he is also very successful in getting the girls and friends. All the teachers love him but best of all, everyone wants to be his closest friend. Kane is just lucky that he new Josh since the early Primary School years.

I bet I'm the only sober one at this party, Josh thought to himself as he saw a bucket load of vomit spray across the room as if it had come out of a fire hose.

Some of the vomit had stuck to the ceiling and lights which made the room even dimmer. The retching sound couldn't be heard through the insanely loud noise of the speakers pumping out dance music. Josh didn't like alcohol. He didn't want to damage any vital organs or do anything he would regret so he just stayed away from it.

Josh looked down at his watch. It read 3:37am. Wow, Josh thought. He had never been to a party before and was getting very tired. He'd rather be at home sleeping.

"I'm leaving," Josh yelled at Kane but it wasn't until the third time he said it that Kane had noticed. He just kind of shrugged and laughed and rejoined the conga line.

As Josh was leaving, he saw a girl taking her shirt off as she walked towards an already filled up couch. The door was stuck on something and Josh couldn't close it. Josh pulled and tugged as hard as he could and it finally budged and slammed shut but Josh still didn't hear it over the pumping music.

Josh walked slowly over to his red convertable in no rush. He was enjoying the cool breeze of the wind whipping his hair. He hopped in and started the ignition. The car hummed admirably and before he sped off down the road, he looked out onto the lake just behind the shack in which the party was just being held. He stared for a few minutes and then started off down the eerie dirt track.

Josh was about ten minutes down the track when the road ahead became very foggy and misty. He could just make out a silhouette on the side off the road and slowed down to get a better look at it. As he passed, he saw a girl with long, wet, dirty black hair that fell to her knees. She looked about ten years old and was wearing a ragged, dirty white dress. She stared at him and he fearfully held the gaze and then out of the blue she screamed at the top of her lungs, a very high-pitched scream that sounded louder than the pumping music many miles behind him.

Josh was more scared than he had ever been in his life and he picked up his speed and drove past her, leaving her in the middle of a rarely used road to an abandoned shack on the lake. Josh looked up into his review mirror and couldn't see her anymore.

Relieved, Josh started to calm down and told himself he was only imagining it. He had to make sure though. Josh checked the review mirror again and she was there. Sitting in the back seat of his convertable, her black eyes staring into his hazel.

She screamed her high-pitched scream and Josh joined in with her.

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