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Nagisa's POV
As I enter the cafe I sighed "Hello there are You Shiota Nagisa?" a lady asked me
"Yes, I am...I'm assuming that Akabane Karma is here?" I said holding my school bag "yes he is" She said with a blush He flirted with her "Hey there Shiota" He said with a smile
"Hey Akabane" I said sitting down with a small anger "Something wrong?" Akabane Karma my best friend since 8th grade a huuuge flirt but I deal with it "No, nothing wrong but why did you even call for me, we don't even go to the same school anymore" I asked him I look to see there was another chair "There's some news I need to tell you Shiota" he said looking at me it's a girlfriend "Really? What's new?" I said drinking my water "I have a gir- There she is" I fucking knew it "Nagisa this is Okuda my girlfriend" I was pissed but shakes her hand "Hi my name Shiota Nagisa" I smiled she sat down great I'm going to be a 3rd wheel
I made an excuse to leave "Bye Akabane and bye Okuda" I said waving to them I was really hangry too "I should just make myself a sandwich" 私は彼に小さな暴力がありますが、それは1年しかありません
(I have a small crush on him but it's only been a year)
3 hours later
I got a call from Akabane and answered it
Akabane: Why'd you leave again
Me: I wasn't hangry
Akabane: Then why'd you come?
Me: You wanted me too and besides we don't hang out anymore
Akabane: Are you mad?
Me: Karm-Akabane no
Akabane: Shiota why do we call each other by our last name?
Me: Because your parents want us too
Akabane: Nagisa don't listen to them your almost 18
Me: I know but Karma...
Akabane: But? But what
Me: Nothing goodnight Karma
Karma: Fine goodnight Nagisa
I hung up I sighed he has a girlfriend why should I care again? he into girls, not into guys right?
The next day
"Shiota!" Kayano shouted as she hugged me "Hey Kayano" I said she kissed my cheek "Why'd you kiss my cheek?" I asked her "Because remember Rio would pay us to act like a couple" she said grabbing my hand "The hell? I agreed to that?" I said with a light blush "Yes it's because your family needs the money" She said "Let me go" I sighed and pushed her "2000 yen gone!" She yelled this is why I need Karma he's hella rich "Only for a half day!" I said sticking my hand out she grabbed it and smiled "Sorry for yelling my anger gets the best of me" she said and held my hand
Karma's POV
"No fuck off!" I yelled at my dad "You don't speak to me like that" My father yelled "You cheated on mom" I said calmly "daddy...what is big brother talking about" my little sister said we must've woke her up yelling"No nothing wrong Misa" I said picking her up "Are you sure? I heard yelling" She said wrapping her arms around my neck "Yes everything is fine!" I said opening the door and closing it "Okay if you say so" I opened her door and put her to bed "Goodnight Misa" I said and kissed her forehead "when's momma coming back?" She asked I looked at her "she's coming back soon I promise" I replied to her she smiled and closed her eyes "Goodnight big brother" "goodnight" as I left her room I was thinking where mom was...she could be at aunty Usagi  "I'm leaving" My dad said packing his stuff "oh wow packing your stuff, when you have kids" I said with a smirk "Your 18 you can take care of her" he said I roll my eyes "I don't have my High School degree or a GED" I sassed he slaps me "then get one" he yelled "I can't 7 more months" 
The next morning
Okuda was waiting for me outside the front door "Hey honey" she said I smiled and held her hand "hey sweetheart" I smiled "Karma!" Maehara yelled "hey Marhara," I said and high hive him "Am I the 3rd wheel?" He asked me "No of course not!" Okuda answered with a smile "Did you meet Shiota?" Maehara asked Her
She smiled and nodded "He's okay, he had to leave" she explained to him "He's like that sometimes" I laughed "Nagisa!" Rio yelled, "Have you seen Nagisa!?" Rio asked me I shacked my head "Why is something wrong" I asked bothered she laughed a little "I need your money" she said getting my wallet "Why?"
"Because I need to pay Nagisa, he agreed that he would pretend to date Kaede for a day" she smiled I laughed but got a little jealous "Bye Karma!" She said running off with my money "She got how much money?" Okuda asked "five hundred and ten dollars" I said walking Marhara sighed "It must be nice to be rich" he complained "It really isn't and let's head to school before we're late" I said they agreed Nagisa really need the money, he even is fake dating for it he could have just asked me for some money
me and Nagisa usually eat together but now that we don't, we stopped when we got to a sophomore year, I got a text from Okuda
Okuda🖤💞: Karma! My friends and I are going to eat so I can't eat with you sorry Ily!🖤💞💗 9:50
Me: it's fine Ilyt❤💙💞💘 10:30
I turned off my phone "Hey dude did you hear?" Maehara asked me "What?" I asked he was frowning "Shiota is in the hospital, he got into a serious fight with some people" he said I dropped my food "what fucking hospital?!" I said grabbing his collar "Byōin hospital" what the hell! Shiota what happened?! Why'd you get into a fight Nagisa I got my shit and left the school and of course a teacher called to me but I ignored them Why? I was questioning so many things But I know that they'll be Answer. I hope he is okay

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