Gracy: Could it Be? - Part 2

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        Stacy P.O.V

        "Shoot!" I whisper-shouted as the velcro on Molly's collar came off. Well, what did I expect, having the same collar for 3 years might not have been the best idea...

        Noticing that it was about the time for Page's evening walk, I decided that I would take her on a walk to Lyla's Pet Shop, a store in Downtown L.A to get Molly a new collar. Heading out into the warm sunshine, Page and I headed left to get to Lyla's. 

        As Page and I neared Lyla's, the sky started to submerge into a sea of dark, gloomy clouds. For the final stretch of the walk to Lyla's, we dashed past pedestrians on the crowded sidewalk of Grenfinch Street.

        "Ring!" went the somewhat quiet bell inside Lyla's. The pet shop was warm and cozy compared to the now stormy and cold outside world. Since there was only a doll-like old woman here, I unhooked Page's leash and let her shake the rain off of her and run around.  "Hi, how are you?" I asked the worker at the front desk, while I looked at the wide selection of collars on the left wall. 

        "I'm good thanks for asking. I assume you are looking for a collar?" she said sweetly. After telling her the story of how Molly's collar broke, she helped me find a great collar for my girl Molly. 

        Graser P.O.V

        "Come on Josh!" I called back to my little brother as we ran down the streets of Downtown L.A to escape this treacherous storm. Now, the sidewalks were empty, compared to how they were when the sun was out. Sprinting past Zoe's, a fancy clothing store, Starbucks, and AT&T, we finally reached the end of the block. Peering into Lyla's Pet Shop, I noticed a old lady, who seemed very nice, the cashier, who seemed a bit bored of her job, and... Stacy? Was this my imagination? I mean yeah, we both live in L.A but... 

        "Leo!" my brother said, pulling me out of my trance. Turning to look at him, I realized he was already halfway through the white cross way. 

        Finally, we arrived home.I unloaded the bag of food we got from Trine's, a local food shop. After putting away the few items my brother and I purchased, I ran down the hallway of my brother and I's house to get to my room. Since money was tight, my brother, Josh and I rented a small home, spiting the cost. 

        -=- 2 Hours Later -=-

        All I could think about as I layed in bed was Stacy. Was it her I saw at Lyla's? I mean, I did see her with a dog, it could have been Molly, I think. I do see some resemblence between that dog and the one in Stacy's series Dogcraft...


        Hey! I hope you guys liked the second part of "Gracy: Could it Be?"! This 'part' was a bit longer! Please leave some feedback so I know if I can improve on anything. Also, at the end, Graser is supposed to think it was Molly, because he would have probaly gotten confused :D. Thanks for reading! 

                                                                                                                                                     - Mary :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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