Boop The Bunny - CH:1 Stars (Proofread)

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The crimson colored blood covered the usually lively streets.

Hundreds, maybe even thousands of mangled bodies were crushed below the fallen buildings, some of them were even spread out in plain sight. They ranged from children to eldery people.

Some people had gotten their guts messilyripped out of their abdomens with no mercy, the guts went on for some time. It looked like gorey, blood covered strings. Others had their heads or bodies crushed to ensure there was no way they were gonna make it out alive.

Childrens cries mixed with terrified screams echoed all around me.

That wasn't even the worst part.

Alongside with the mangled corpses were parts of omnics, their metallic body parts sprayed with blood and gore. Far too many hostile omnics remained untouched and were still going after anything that moved, human or peaceful omnic, it didn't matter to them.

In the middle of all chaos laid a crushed pink colored mech, my mech... I had been able to catapult myself out of it last second before it's cockpit had been obliterated, didn't have time to grab my Light Gun before it was gone though, leaving me completely defenceless.

My arms were under serious amount of pain and pressure, a quick glance down to the right arm confirmed everything i needed to know.

Deep gashes ran along with the suit and flesh below it. The biggest gash was deep enough to reveal bone, it ran from the top of my shoulder all the way down to my elbow, blood was pouring out of it like someone had turned on a shower. Another stressed glance at my other arm made my stomach turn, it was absolutely shredded too only that this arm was actually missing from below the elbow.

I was seriously injured, people, no... MY People were dying all around us to a threat we had been holding off for years! That small slip up on my part had been everything neccessary for them to blast past us and crush everything in their path with no mercy.

Now i was here, i had failed my team, my people, Dae-hyun, myself...

I was nothing more than a stupid, worthless, mistake for letting that happen! I had failed my one and only responsibility as a MEKA Squad member, this made me a good for nothi-

Hana's eyes shot open, the young female jolted into a sitting position from her bed in the progress.

The only sound in the room was her paniced breathing and rising heartbeat, tears were threathening to fall any seconds if she didn't move to stop them.

But she didn't.

Hana allowed the wet, warm tears to roll down her cheeks one by one as she focused on calming her breathing before she'd wake someone else up, it was bad enough she had woken Dae-hyun last time she was tossing and turning in her sleep.

'It was just a dream, Hana, you're here... And they're not' Out of instinct her hands had moved to her chest, she could feel her own heart pounding like hell. One might even say it would jump out of her chest at any second now and it hurt.

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