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I felt really weak suddenly and didn't know what was happening . I thought it was just a simple headache so I walked out of the classroom .

just then , some girl pulled me away and brought me into an empty classroom . my headache got worse and I tried to focus .

It was the same three girls who glared at me just now .

" oh . hey salty bitches . " I provoked them and one of the girls , ji ah , pulled my hair backwards and covered my mouth before I could scream . I was really weak and I couldn't do any of fighting . I let them have fun this time .

suddenly , a deep voice shouted from the door .

" what the hell are you girls doing ? " I looked up with pain from the punching but my vision was blurry so i didn't know who it was .

the last sentence I could hear was
" It isn't what you think , bro...! "

gosh , pathetic .

they let me go and I dropped to the ground and I fainted .


'' why were you so stupid to let them punch and beat you . " I said to her and sighed . her face was pale , still unconscious .

I'm jaemin . I am somebody yerin detest the most . she had a crush on me . but I pushed her away like a total stranger .

she hated me because I was mean . I would call her fat when she was as skinny as a poll , I called her ugly when she looked like an angel .

I really didn't meant what I said . maybe at that time but I was immature . I wanna stick with her together . I was thinking of the near future of us . I really like her alot . she's unique and special . she holds a special place in my heart .

then , I heard a groan and saw that yerin opened her eyes .

" yerin . are you okay ? can you hear me ? " she looked at me and rolled her eyes . I knew she still hated me but i didn't care about that . all I care about is her health .

" what are you doing here ? get lost . " I tried talking to her but it didn't work so I had to go , if that's what can make her feel better . I dialled taeyong's number to let him know yerin was at the sick bay .


" yerin ! oh my god . what happened . " taeyong looked at me , covered in bruises everywhere .

" tell me who did it . " He said it with a stern face . I let out a sigh and told him .

" na yumi . "

A little backstory of na yumi . She is jaemin's twin sister which is why I hated Jaemin more . but then again , his sister was a troublemaker . she wanted the fame ever since I came into this school .

she tried stealing taeyong from me because she thought I was his girlfriend or whatever . we're just siblings for god sake .

" na jaemin... " He whispered angrily but I could hear it . i grabbed his arm and shook my head to show that he shouldn't be violent towards anyone .

[✔️] achluophobia ; na jaemin Where stories live. Discover now