Chapter 2.

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Harry's POV

My phone buzzes for the fucking fourth time officially waking me my from slumber.

"Hello?" I snap at whoever's calling, in my opinion they deserve it for calling at 7 in the fucking morning.

"Harry it's Modest, we need you here in the building at 8 we have some important matters that have to be discussed."

"Important enough to wake me up at 7 in the morning?"

"Yes that important, be here at 8. The other boys will be there too."

"Whatever." I hang up and get ready for the goddamn meeting.

As I sit down in the world's most uncomfortable chair I'm greeted by my four mates and a very unhappy manager.

"Well now that we're all here we can start." One of our many managers says.

"So we have a few things to discuss about tour, but first we have something more important to talk about. Harry since your little outlash during an interview last week, One Direction has been getting very bad press." He says with a deep frown.

"It can't be that bad." Liam speaks up, obviously trying to make me feel better about the situation.

"Oh trust me it is. Let's read a few comments about it. 'Wow Harry's such a dick, I can't believe I ever thought highly of him.', 'Absolutely lost all respect for Harry and the rest of One Direction', 'Can't believe I thought Harry was a sweet heart when truly he's a little bitch', and there's much more. Anyway as I was saying because of this outlash there's been a lot of bad press. But luckily I've got a solution to fix it."

"And how is that?" I ask exchanging looks with the boys in the process.

"We're going to give you a fake girlfriend. It'll be such good press, we'll make you look like a caring boyfriend and make the world believe you're capable of love and treating people well." Our manager smiles as if he's just cured cancer. What a prick.

"Well sorry to burst your bubble but there's no fucking way I'm going to be in a fake relationship. Now is that all? Because I'd love to get back to sleep." I say while standing up.

"Sit down. Remember Harry we have a contract and you can't break that or there will be major consequences. And maybe she'll even help you find that heart of yours deep down."

"No fucking way, I'm not doing this." I spit.

"Well you have to!" He shouts at me, taking us all by surprise. Not once have we seen him yell.

"Or what?" I scoff not taking a single word he says seriously.

"We'll drop you from the label." As those words are said, I feel my heart drop. I can't believe he's threatening my career. As much as I complain about it, I could never give up doing what I love.

"For fuck's sake Harry! Get your head out of your fucking ass, and agree!" Liam shouts clearly pissed and panicked, which causes me to me feel stunned for the second time today. Everyone else looks just as stunned as I do.

"Has the girl agreed to do it?" Louis asks, trying to make this a little less harsh on me.

"Yeah she signed the contract already."

"Who is the girl?" Zayn asks, getting me a little more interested in the conversation.

"Ada Mann, Hudson Mann's daughter."

"What kind of name is Ada?" I ask harshly.

"Come on mate, no need to be a dick." Niall says.

"I think I've seen her on a magazine recently, she smoked pot, yeah?" Zayn asks.

"Yeah mate I think I saw that too!" Louis exclaims.

"Yeah that's her. She's recently been in the media now that she's older, and has been doing some horrible things. So her dad wants to clear up her image and by doing so it's helping yours as well." Our manager eyes me as he says the last part.

"Fine, fuck whatever I'll do it, as long as it gets you off my ass." I agree and sign the contract not knowing what mess I've just gotten myself into.

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