Meet The Avengers, It's Not Like You're Not Prepared! Oh Wait!

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Peter glanced around nervously in the lobby of the SI. Tony had wanted him to wait here for some surprise.

He looked down at his webshooters anxiously, for some reason he wanted Peter to come as Spider-Man. It had been a requirement and he didn't elaborate on it.

Peter fiddled with his phone, looking at the previous text messages.

webs come over to the tower asap it's important

make sure you have the suit on first

                  Read 6:37 p.m

Mr Stark????
                  Read 6:37 p.m

                 Read 6:38 p.m

To say that Peter's nerves were going haywire would be an understatement. Tony had literally given no explanation as to why he was needed here.

Surely it wasn't a mission, right? He would've told him if it was. But it didn't stop the lingering thought that maybe something had happened to him.

The mere presence of that possibility was enough to give Peter hives. Tony could've been waiting for him to help and he would just be standing here waiting for instructions like some kind of dog and-

The ding of the elevator snapped him out of his thoughts. Peter turned his head to the side so quick he was surprised he didn't get whiplash. Out walked Tony Stark in all his glory.

"Mr. Stark?! What's going on? Did something happen?" Peter was all over the place, grabbing Tony by the shoulders and examining him for any injuries.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Stark! I should've asked FRIDAY if you were hurt or anything but I didn't have any context and I am so so so sorr-" Peter was cut off when Tony simply patted his head stiffly.

There was something wrong.

Peter immediately knew it when there was the awkward pat on the head. The tight smile, and the unnaturally tense body language should've been a straight giveaway.

"Kid, chill out. I'm fine, there isn't anything for you to apologize for." Tony seemed to relax a little bit. Peter's incessant worrying about his well-being was a nice change for him.

"What's wrong, Mr. Stark?" Peter's tone made Tony stomach drop. It was the same as May's, it meant no bullshit.

"Just...follow me, kid." He waved dismissively. Peter trailed behind him reluctantly. Usually Tony would make a sarcastic remark, but he just sounded exhausted. More so than usual.

Peter followed him into the elevator, secretly trying to dissect what could be wrong with the older man.

"FRIDAY, floor 87." Tony commanded wearily. He rubbed his eyes and sighed heavily.

Peter stared at him. Karen was already scanning Tony for any abnormalities.

"Mr. Stark appears to be severely sleep deprived, suffering from malnutrition, and in emotional distress." Karen stated helpfully. Her tone was one of worry. At this point, Peter was pretty sure Karen had feelings.

The elevator doors opened revealing the common room and Tony walked out. FRIDAY called out, "Boss, the Rogue Avengers are about to enter the common room in T-minus 15 seconds."

"Thanks FRI." Tony sighed.

Peter whipped around to face the older man. "Um, the Rogue Avengers are here?!" Tony seemed to deadpan.

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