"Hinata Suzuki"

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Wow. Should i try to write a story?-
Maybe i should. So i did. xD-
Sabrina's POV
Ah..Another day of school. How exiting.
She'd sigh.
Whatever. I do good in school anyways. But, None of my parents really appreciate that. Why? I don't know, ask them. Here i am, Still trying to impress them and make them proud of me. I don't really mind. Its fine. I'm fine.

-At the school gates-
Ah, Yes. I could see my best friend of 11 years, Standing there, Happily waving at me.
I'd close my eyes, Feeling thankful that i have someone like her with me.

"Hey, Sophi-"

Before i could open my eyes, I felt someone bump into me.

"Aaaaaaouch!.." I'd slowly open my eyes, To see this cute girl, Who looks like she's in a hurry, On the floor.

"Aah! I-i'm so sorry!" She quickly got up and ran off into the school.

As she left, Sophia ran up to me.

"Sabri! You good?"

"Yeah..I'm fine."

"Anyway..We should get going. Class is about to start."

Right..Class. Math is my first class. I used to suck at math. Now i improved, alot. Sophia's grades are as good as mine. She's actually top 2 in our class. She's really cool..She's like my inspiration. I studied as hard as she did, And now i'm top 1. I feel kind of sad that she had to be top 2. But, She's fine. I'm fine.

"Good luck in math, Sophia." I'd smile.

"Damn you! You already know i'll fail.."

We'd both laugh and head to class, Holding hands.

We always hold hands going to class. It's normal. The problem is..Some people ship us two. I don't like it, Nor dislike it. It's fine. Sophia's obviously straight. She's literally obsessed with Shawn Mendes. I like his music, He's kind, Loving..But, I just don't find him attractive or anything.

-At Math Class-
Me and Sophia take our seats, Which are right next to each other.

"Alright class! We have a new student joining us today. Please come in!"

New student? Wow, We haven't had a new student in ages. Last time we had one was..2..3 years ago?


And there she was..The girl i bumped into this morning. Sweating, Panting..Poor girl.

"H-hello, Everyone! My name is Hinata Suzuki! Nice to meet you all.."

She's cute, She has a cute Japanese name, She's young..And she's..Just my type!-

Sophia smacked my head and mumbled..

"I know what you're thinking..You lolicon!"

"Eh?! What are you talking about?!" I'd slightly blush.

Sophia..You know way too much about me! I don't like it. But, It's fine. It's normal for bff's! They know literally everything about each other. How did she even know i was a lolicon?- Wait! I'm not! Nope..

"You can sit behind Sabri. Sabri, Please raise yo-"

I'd quickly raise up my hand, Excited.

As Hinata moved closer to my seat, My heart started beating fast. What's this feeling? It can't be..

Sophia once more smacks my head..

"Idiot! Put your hand down!"

"Stop smacking me!"

I heard Hinata laugh from behind. Of course, It was cute. Everything about her is cute. But, I barely know her. I can't be sure. Maybe things will be slightly different with Hinata..We'll see.

Its 1:32am. Good morning!-
YeaH iMa sLeeP. niGht.

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