A Light in the Shadow

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Caius, captain of the Whiterun guard, was posted just outside of the Jarl's quarters, unwavering in his duty to protect his lord's life. Although Balgruuf had insisted he protect his children more than himself, Caius reasoned that they already had their own personal bodyguards who wouldn't hesitate to gut a shady individual and ask questions later. That had calmed the Jarl enough to allow it.

Now, as Quélana approached with an armed escort in the form of Caius' First Lieutenant, the Captain huffed with disbelief and folded his arms. He wasn't surprised that it was her of all people, though.

"Quélana," he spoke sharply, an expression of disdain painted plainly upon his grisly visage.

"Oh, you know me?" The sorceress hummed to herself as she closed the distance between them, stepping unabashed and unintimidated up to the great oak door to the Jarl's bedchamber and the Captain guarding it. "Then you might know why I'm here."

"Yes, Balgruuf had the odd sense the Dovahkiin would show up. Said he trusted you would be dispatched by your guild to investigate." He sighed and brought his hand up to his bald head, rubbing at the top with his fur gauntlets on. "I argued against it, just so you know, but he said to admit you to see him immediately upon your arrival."

Quélana smirked like a true Altmer, gloating and prideful as she approached the door. The man stuck his arm out between her and it, though, before stepping in and getting right in her face.

"Don't think I've forgotten your little dragon stunt. First you lure the beast here, endanger the whole city AND the lives of the Jarl and his children, then you give up the glory of having a captive dragon only to get on its back and fly away with it. Disgraceful, disrespectful, and reckless!" he spat, finally lowering his arm. He wasn't about to go against a direct order from the Jarl over her.

"Don't forget that I slew the World-Eater with that dragon's help. You ought to be grateful," she returned with equal venom in her voice as she pushed the door to Balgruuf's bedchamber open and stepped inside. The last she saw of the Captain, he scoffed and turned away.

"Quélana!" came the thickly-accented voice of Jarl Balgruuf, who was seated in his study, poring over some dusty old tome. "Aha- I knew you'd come. Tell me, how are things at the College? Have you finally accepted the role of Arch-Mage?"

"How do you know about that? We haven't spoken since I rode Odaviing out of your palace," Quélana spoke with surprise, wondering at just how much the Jarl might know.

"Word travels quickly," he replied with a wry grin, his way of saying he was keeping tabs on her. "What's the delay? You've earned the right to lead the College. You're the best they've got!"

"Best sorceress, sure, but best leader? Far from it. I don't want that kind of pressure, Balgruuf, I would much rather be a simple professor." Quélana always enjoyed speaking to Balgruuf. As one of the few who knew of her deeds before knowing of her Dragon Blood, he respected her in a genuine, personal way. It was refreshing.

"There's that humility you try so hard to hide. We're kindred spirits, you and I- y'know, save for the whole 'dragon soul' part," the Jarl quipped. He was also the only one who dared to tease her about it.

She blew his comment off and adopted a light smile of her own, taking a seat across from her old friend. "Well, no doubt you know what brings me here. Tell me, how many attempts on your life this past week."

"Three," he said, holding up a finger for each. "The first two times, the assassins drank Mother Darkness and died. The third time, just two nights ago, we caught her before she could poison herself. She rots in the dungeons now, not saying a word. We figured.. well, I figured you could get her to talk. Would you like to do the honors?"

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