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Liz:this will be great

Felix:what do you mean?

Liz:before I can tell you that I need everyone here so EVERYONE GET IN HERE!

Boris:*runs in with everyone else*you don't have to yell

Liz:I wanted y'all to get here quickly

Felix:Liz about my question

Liz:oh ya @CJ_Is_Fandom_Trash asked:anyway,question,can we just,like,get the rest of the characters in here

Cuphead:so what dos-


Bendy:oh no you didn't

Liz:yes I did

Boris:who is that?

Dot:found you bendy sweetie~

Bendy:*runs away*DOT NOOO!

Cuphead:I'm guessing dot

Yakko:hey have you seen dot

Wakko:ya she's are sister

Cuphead:ya she's chasing bendy but who are you


Yakko:I'm yakko and...

Wakko:I'm wakko and she's...





Mugman:so who else is coming

Liz:well I got Mickey and a few of his friends too come

Boris:m-m-mr Mi-Mickey?!

Liz:yep and Sheba

Felix:Sheba coming?

Liz:ya she also said she was bringing someone

Felix:oh I wonder who she's bringing?

Bendy:*runs by*LEAVE ME ALONE

Dot:*chases him*just one kiss bendy

Liz:forgot about that

Cuphead:I should stop her*runs after them*

Mickey:*walks in*hello everyone



Bunny kids:hiya


Boris:h-hi again Mr M-M-Mickey

Mickey:hey Boris you doing ok?


Bunny kid:papa look it's Mr Felix

Oswald:oh hello Felix

Felix:o-oh h-h-hi Osw-

Inky:uncle Felix!*jumps on Felix*

Winky:uncle Felix!*jumps on Felix*

Felix:*falls*hey boys wares Sheba?

Sheba:right here

Felix*gets up*hey Sheba

Sheba:bet you don't know I was go to bring them?

Felix:I knew you were bringing someone but I didn't think you would bring inky and winky

Oswald:so these are your ne-

Bendy:*still running*HELP!

Dot:bendy just one kiss please~*running after him still*

Cuphead:*running after both of them*there so small but so fast

Liz:I should stop that so...

Mickey:ask or dare us...


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