Chapter - 2

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The girl, Ilestial suddenly woke up and realised she was at somewhere familiar. Her eyes wandering around and saw some trees around her with bushes. The girl did not believe she actually slept on the grass. That was until she heard some noise and decided to stand up slowly,

/ 1 : 12 P.M. /

" I-i've always had a crush on you! "

That familiar line came out from the girl, whom had a crimson red face while holding onto the hem of her skirt nervously. Her head was facing the ground in embarrassment once again.

' W-wait. . . Didn't this happened before? ' Ilestial finally realised as she was still standing, completely forgot about the fact that she was supposed to hide from being seen by Jackson. With that, she took out her phone in a hurry just to check the date and time,

30 August, Thursday, 1 : 12 P.M.

Ilestial's eyes widened in shocked upon seeing the date and time on her phone screen. It was unbelievable that it all feels like a dream to her.

' Maybe. . It's just a dream. I think missed Jackson too much. ' Ilestial sighed as she watched the scene infront of her for the second time but more clearer as she's not hiding behind the bushes.

" I'm sorry Andrea. We barely know each other. " Jackson rejected Andrea once again. Ilestial's heart shattered upon seeing Jackson's face. She just can't believe that Jackson had died and yet, she still have the chance to see him in her dream again.

' I think it's time for me to wake up. I hate to cry again. ' Ilestial thought in her mind, still not moving her head away from that scene where her heart starts to feel heavy to leave this dream.

" But, we can try to get even more close. We can try to understand each other. " Andrea tried to persuade Jackson as she inched closer towards him before grabbing his arm.

' Hold on, how do I wake myself up? Should I. . Slap myself? I mean, that's what people do. So, why not. ' Ilestial lifted her hand before slapping at the right side of her face, which she seems like a fool. Her cheek was burning, yet she still did not find herself waking up in her own room. She was still in her school, with Jackson and Andrea infront of her.

' Wait wait wait, what's happening? Why am I still here? What is going on? ' Ilestial questioned herself non stop although she knew there wasn't gonna be anyone that would reply her questions. The girl frowned while her heart starts to race in confusion of what is happening to her.

" Maybe. "

" I'm really sorry Andrea. But I've got to go now. " With that, Jackson pulled his hand away from Andrea's grip gently, not wanting to make Andrea mad or boil in anger. He tried to maintain his gentleman attitude again.

' Oh damn, I'm supposed to hide! Gosh, better run now. ' Ilestial thought before she hurriedly rushed away without being noticed by Jackson. At least that's what she hoped for.

The girl walked, deep in her thoughts without realising where she was heading to. That was until, she once again felt something soft, touched her forehead. Ilestial already knew it was Jackson who had his palm on her forehead, yet she still raised her head to check if it was true,

" Hey Ial. " Jackson greeted with a warm smile, slowly tucking his hands back in his pocket.

" Jackson? What are you doing here? " She asked the same question again not knowing what to say while she's thinking about what was going on.

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