we're over..

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"Hey guys" You said as you were walking into the studio to film a new video "y/n. we have something to tell you" Courtney and Olivia said to you "What is it?" You asked them "Noah's cheating on you.."Shayne said to you "He what?" You said as your eyes were watering "hi y/n" Noah said as he was walking up to you "Is it true?" You asked Noah "What?" Noah asked you "Why did you cheat on me?" You asked him "Because he wouldn't want to date you and your ugly self" Noah's girlfriend said to you "That's it noah we're over." You said as you ran out of the studio crying "what? y/n come back here!" Noah said to you then you walked back into the studio with tears streaming down your face then you did something unexpected.. you slapped Noah Andrew Grossman...." oh.my.god"

Discolored; (A Noah Grossman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now