Conflagration 1793

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Albany Times Union      February 20, 2016

A group of scholars and historic re-enactors will re-examine the clouded facts surrounding a massive 1793 fire in Albany that destroyed much of the city, followed by the controversial hangings of three teenage slaves, two girls and one boy, who were convicted of arson despite insufficient evidence and Governor Clinton's unsuccessful attempts at stays of execution for them.

The two-part Black History Month event will reclaim a long-neglected shard of history with a panel discussion Thursday at the Howe Library followed on Saturday by a series of dramatic vignettes from multiple viewpoints in rooms of the Schuyler Mansion, after which there will be tours of the historic home.

Albany Times Union       November 19, 2016

Albany Police are investigating the brazen shootings of three teenagers Friday afternoon barely a block from the State Capitol. The three victims, one male and two females, are in Albany Medical Center and all are listed in critical condition. The shootings occurred near the corner of Elk and Dove Streets and appear to be related. No arrests have been made.

Albany Times Union      November 20, 2016

Two of the victims in Friday afternoon's shooting have died. Pompey Green, age 17, and Bethany Morris, 14, were shot by unknown assailants on Elk Street shortly after 11 p.m. on November 18 and never recovered consciousness. The third victim, a female aged 15, remains in critical condition at Albany Medical Center. Police are actively pursuing several leads provided by family friends of the victims but no arrests have been made so far.

WNYT                                    November 21, 2016

Community leader Rev. Joyce Smith has called for an investigation of the Albany Police Department following the shooting of three Albany High School students behind the State Capitol on Friday afternoon. Two of the young people, Pompey Green and Bethany Morris, have died and the third victim, a fifteen year old female, remains on life support at Albany Medical Center. "This department has had a long history of racism," according to Rev. Smith, "and we need to ask why and how these three innocent young people were gunned down in broad daylight practically on the steps of the New York State Capitol. The families of Pompey, Bethany and (name withheld) are demanding answers but all we are getting from APD is stonewalling."

What's Going Down in Albany (website)      November 22, 2016

With the only surviving victim of Friday afternoon's drive-by fighting for her life at Albany Med, the Albany Mayor's office has liked arms with Albany PD to block the citizen-led investigation into this outright racist assault and murder. We must fight back against the slaughter of our children. We must let the mayor and the police chief know that these are not slavery days any more! We will not let you put those old damned chains around our necks!

A powerful and non-violent demo to demand answers is being planned for this Saturday at the State Capitol by the "Emergency Committee to Fight Albany Racism." Contact Rev. Joyce Smith at the Full Community Full Bible Church (518-777-7777)


Dinah Valker was not happy with either of her names. Nobody except her grandmother's friends had ever heard her first name and they always mentioned some singer named Dinah Shore who was famous years and years ago. She tried calling herself Destiny and Dawn and Desiree but even her best friend Bethany could never remember to call her anything but Dinah. And as for her last name everybody, especially teachers, confused it with Walker and she got very tired saying her name was Valker with a V. Dinah's grandmother said both names had been passed down from her grandmother's grandmother and she ought to be proud of them.

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