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Liyaja pov
( 10:27 a.m)

Waking up I find my self looking at the ceiling smiling I told Kentrell what he been wanting to hear the answer was yes as long as we kept it slow

Y'all should've saw the look on his face after all of that we went back to the house and fell asleep on each other no sex until I know he is ready

Opening my room door I instantly smell the smell of bacon and blueberry pancakes. I went down stairs and found kentrell cooking. I looked at him weird because I didn't no he could cook.

"Good morning" he told me I nodded my head and sat down at the table.

He handed me my plate "I didn't no u could cook" He began to laugh

I didn't no I could cook either I just read some shit he said

I rolled my eyes playfully and continued eating my food after talking for a while my phone began to rang"who dat" kentrell ask

I don't even know I said answering it

Liyah: hello

Dray: wassup

Liyah: o hey Uh this kinda weird but I'm dating someone so stop calling me pls

Dray *laugh* My bad what u doing today

Liyah: going to the mall with my friends

Dray: can I come

Liyah: no

I looked at kentrell. He gave me a confusing look. 

I hung up the phone and went into the living room to watch Netflix

He came over to me

"Say, Who was dat he asked me

"Some dude I met a ihop a couple of days ago don't be mad

"I'm not mad as long as u don't talk to no bitch as niggas while we dating
Yes daddy I said while propping my head on his shoulder

"Wanna come to the mall I asked I asked him

"Nah i got to go to the studio wit quando and nem
I nodded my head

Nba yb (kentrell)

Almost done with the album I felt a ring from my phone grabbing it to see who it was I rolled my eyes

Crackhead🧟‍♀️jasmine🤮👻:um hey

Me: who u again 🙄😬

Crackhead🧟‍♀️Jasmine🤮👻:stop playing ok I'm sorry

Me: what would be my reason to play u used me remember

Crackhead🧟‍♀️Jasmine🤮👻: I'm sorry 😕 but we have a child on the way so

Me: ion even know if that child is mine

Crackhead🧟‍♀️Jasmine🤮👻: KENTRELL STOP!! Ok I said I'm sorry over and over again and I don't know how many times ima say it wat I did was deadass wrong I was in a state of mind we're I couldn't think ok..you don't have to forgive me and I'm not asking you to 50% chance this baby is not yours 50% this baby is yours I don't want my baby growing up without a father😕 I have an appointment at 5 THE BABY would like it if you would come‼️

Me: man ok

I closed my notebook full of my raps and laid back closing my eyes

"What yo bitch ass doing boa I hear Ben annoying ass come in and say

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