Welcome to Domino University

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Yugi's name is finally clear from the twisted rumors and she is getting better everyday since her yamis were back beside her again.

Yugi's wings grows as they pass by and she is getting comfortable with her wings thanks to some practice from Elemental Hero Feather Man who also got Atem and Yami jealous due to too much skinship.

[At school]

Everyone was happy that Yugi is feeling better and she can attend school again and everyone was shock that Anzu and Vivian were not bashing Yugi and they're back on good terms.

Ms.  Azuka is happy to see Yugi is alright and Yugi thank everyone who wish her to get well then after that Ms.  Azuka introduce their new student.

The boy who enter was handsome that the girls and guys except Yugi blush. He was tall, handsome, wild dark blue hair that is styled like wings at the side then some long ones at the back of his ears, golden eyes that resembles the golden sun and his   body was well sculpted and was kissed by the sun making him look hot.

Ms.  Azuka cleared her throat and began to speak "this is our new student, he just transfer from Egypt and he will be joining us today, please introduce yourself. "

"Hello everyone, my name is Diva Aigami,  nice to meet you everyone. Let's get along well and please take care of me." His semi deep husky voice resonates in the room as he stands up straight and sends a smile at everyone making them blush more as Yugi blinks while they all blush.

"Diva-kun please go sit wherever you like. " Ms.  Azuka said as Diva thank him.

Diva then went through rows till he spotted Yugi's left side is vacant.

"Hi, can I sit here Ms. Beautiful?" Diva ask as he take one of Yugi's hand and kiss it making Yugi blush while getting a violent reaction from Atem and Yami.

"err..  sure Aigami-san, please go ahead" Yugi said after she snap from her shock and pulls out her hand gently.

"Thanks, what's your name? Also please just call me Diva. " Diva said as he smile at Yugi.

"My name is Yugi Mutou, nice to meet you Diva-kun." Yugi said with her soft smooth voice making Diva blush at how gentle her voice was and like he wants to listen to it the whole day until he hears some growling from the person on Yugi's right side and front.

Diva saw twin boys with golden lightning bangs with black based and crimson tips and crimson eyes glaring at him. The only difference was their skin color.  One of them has semi-fair skin while the other one was sun-kissed skin.

He decided to not trigger them and immediately faces front while side glancing at the beauty beside him making the girls jealous.

Atem and Yami growls as they keep clinging on their beloved hikari so Diva can't advance on her making Anzu, Vivian, Honda, Yi-Ren, Jounochi, Seto, Ootogi, Ryou, Bakura, Malik and Marik sweat drop and sighs at how protective the two boys are to Yugi.

It was obvious except to Yugi that Atem and Yami is inlove with their little angel. It just frustrates him that Atem and Yami doesn't make a move to woo Yugi and now they got a new rival and friend Diva.

"I'm so gonna strangle those two if they don't do something!  Look at them!  It's irritating! " Bakura said as he grips the Millenium Ring from under the table.

"I know how you feel evil bunny, I am also getting pissed at how those two were cowards and not making any progress. " Marik said as they watch Atem and Yami assisting Yugi at choosing her meal with Diva just next to them.

"Evil bunny your face grilled cockroach" Bakura spat back at Marik making them growl at each other only to get hit by Ryou and Malik.

"You know, we should scold them already,  these two crazy beings makes sense. " Seto said as he was focusing on his phone checking his schedules.

"so what's da plan ya guys? " Jounochi asks.

"how about a game and whoever wins can take Yugi to a date? Tomorrow is saturday, right? " Ootogi suggests.

"Ooh!  I like that!  I'm in!" Anzu and Vivian replies as they grin at each other.

"That's cool so who is favor to do it? " Malik asks and sees everyone, even Seto raise his hand.

"Good so here's the plan" Malik said as they all hurdle while the four people whose gonna be involve in the game was busy waiting in the cashier to pay their lunch.

[After Class]

Yugi was suddenly snatch by Ootogi bridal style and was bought to the school grounds. She is sitting on a chair and is guarded by Jounochi, Honda,Marik and Bakura.

Yami, Atem and Diva was shock to see them gathered there and they were guarding Yugi.

"Welcome gentlemen, you are here to play a game and whoever wins can date Yugi who is being guard by those five. " Seto explains as Anzu and Vivian hands them duel disks and some deck attached to it.

"This is a three on three battle and only the winner can win a date with Yugi. Me, Yi-Ren and Ootogi shall be monitoring you guys to make sure there is no foul play in this game.  Let the battle  begin!" Seto said as the three guys battle.

[After 30 Minutes]

It was now a neck to neck battle with Yami and Atem while Diva sulks at the corner cause he loose at the twins.

The battle was announce as draw and the two of them can date Yugi and the place where they will date is at Kaiba Land around  ten o'clock. Seto said that they will also come and its all for free including the foods.

Anzu and Vivian decides they will drop by at eight o'clock to help Yugi prepare making Yugi blush and thank them making them squeal and hug her due to her cuteness while the others were also celebrating cause they can come even Diva is invited.

"Thank you for the invitation but I had to look after my sister, she's still little and I can't leave her all the time to my grandma, though I will make sure to win so I can date you beautiful, until then, enjoy guys!" Diva said as he kiss Yugi's cheek before running away before Atem and Yami could chase him.

[Somewhere around Domino Plaza]

"The hikari is near....soon my master shall be revive" the mysterious person said as the said person smiles evilly.

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