Untitled Part 2

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Marriage day. Bhavya and ridz are crying more than my mother.Not because I m married its because to whom I m married,They are so happy for me.See how he is frowning seeing bhavya and ridz hugging me crying and smiling.Yes it was very hard to convince them and di for not telling about my love for him.

Bhavya:Ok jeeju toh what will u give us for giving your shoes

O:Hmmm 10000Rs?

Ridz:So less yaar

Rudy looks at them

Ru:Blackmailing haan?

O:Ok u say what u want

Ridz and bhavya look each other

B:Always keep our friend happy else


O raises his eyebrow

R B:Ek jhaap pe deewar pe sat jaibe

I laughed and they both do hifi,He smiled and promised them

Nervous.Suhag raat.First time I m in his room. Ok gauri cool.There was only a months gap between the proposal and marriage he was busy with his work and I with mine so we met very rarely and as u know I m very comfortable in texting him coz if I write something wrong I could delet na before sending .I too hate the fact that I shud think twice before talking to him.Now I m gonna live with him shankarji knows what happens.Talking to him for more than 10 minute I feel like sharing everything with him but I control.u know loosing my control one day I had told him I love someone its just he was telling about love and said tum nahi samjhoge so I just told y I also know love.He said ur simple film crush is not love it should be felt gauri."Then I definitely know.""U r in love gauri?"Yeah almost caught that day but escaped telling something he dint believe still he dint question.He entered the room I got up from the bed

O:Hey sit down, this is not a classroom neither am I your teacher

G:Its just showing respect

He roll his eyes

O:Gauri how many time to tell you treat me like your friend if bhavya or ridhima come will u stand up no na then y for me,I don't want you to respect me.It feel we are very distant yaar

G:Its default in me.Listen I

O:Call me om gauri

G: I cant if maa hear na she will kill me


G:She say not to call your husband by name.

O:You are so 1980s . How will mummyji know what u call me in my home


O:Your maa is my mummyji right

O shrugs

I smiled and nod my head

G:Still if I get habit of calling your name and if I call u in front of her then ek jhaap mein deewar pe sata denge vo

Again I lied its just I feel shy saying his name.By now u would have understood that I don't take his name much.

O:There is no use arguing with you right

He sigh

I smile victoriously

O:Go freshen up,washroom is there

I nodded and went to change.

I came after changing.He was arranging the bed.

O:So ready to sleep.

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