Ch 6. Sugar Daddy

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Hi! I'm not dead, I promise. 

Couple of things -

First - I am not Scottish, but my really good friend is and he is absolutely adorable. He has a cat a named Bernard but he says it "Bernuhd." It's hilarious and adorable and I'm rambling. I may or may not have had too much coffee. Kind of a blah chapter but I needed transition and am tired of staring at the words that aren't doing what I want them to.

Second - if you've never stayed at Yotel in NYC before - do it, it's amazing. Hotel room layout posted in media - if you want pics of the actual hotel room as a reference -


A few days went by and for the first time in so long things began to feel right again. That barrier that had been so suddenly erected by Alex had just as suddenly come crumbling down. It was as if all of that drama had never even happened. They went on their morning Starbucks runs together, they watched cartoons and played Mario Kart and wrestled over the remotes like little kids. They still texted each other when they were in their own rooms only feet away. Scott still sat on the counter and “helped” Mitch cook dinner, Mitch still “helped” Scott write lyrics that made absolutely no sense or were way too perverse for any song. 

Things were getting back to normal, in a completely new way. 


Scott was just watching TV while he waited for Mitch to finish getting ready. A knock pulled him from his thoughts and caused his head to turn towards the door. 

He definitely wasn’t expecting the ruggedly handsome man that was behind it.  Apparently he wasn’t expecting Scott either if his expression was any indication.

“I’m sorry, I didn't realize Mitch had company.” 

The thick accent he guessed was either Scottish or Irish (he really was rubbish at guessing accents, but he leaned towards Scottish) caused Scott to grin stupidly. “Um, he’s just changing. You can come in. I mean as long as you’re not a crazy ax murderer or anything.” 

Pretty Scottish man laughed, displaying perfect pearly white teeth. “I doubt crazy ax murderers warn you first, but I assure you I’m safe. I’m just Mitch’s neighbor.”

Scott stepped aside letting the gorgeous man inside, wondering briefly what his relationship was with Mitch. He’d slipped the boyfriend question into the conversation over dinner one night, so he knew Mitch wasn’t seeing anyone. 

“You’re Scott, aren’t you.” 

Scott nodded. “That’s me.” 

“Mitch has told me a lot about you.” 

Scott raised an eyebrow. “Has he now?” 

Mystery man laughed again and finally the third party emerged from his bedroom. Both of Mitch’s eyebrows raised as he spotted the newcomer. “David, hey!” 

David’s eyes lit up a bit as he spotted Mitch. “Haven’t seen you round the gym lately, was beginnin’ to worry ‘bout ya. Now I see you’ve been a bit busy.” 

Scott had to process the statement in his head before he turned to look at Mitch. “Gym? You?” 

Mitch shifted a bit. “I’ve been taking kickboxing classes from David here. He’s been helping me get a workout routine and stuff.”

David nodded. “He’s really quite good at it, now that he’s put on a bit of muscle weight.”  

Mitch rolled his eyes. “Soon I’ll be taking down your scrawny ass.” 

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