Chapter 1

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It's almost my last Christmas at Hogwarts, and I'm still a little shaken from the time traveling. James went back to almost exactly what he was like before. The only difference is that he doesn't tutor me anymore so I barely see him.

I sit in my seat in transfigurations reading a muggle book, waiting for everyone else to enter. Hermione gave me my first muggle book when I was 11 as a present when I got my Hogwarts letter- she gave one to everyone as their present- and I've loved reading since, I mostly read teen romance novels so I try covering the covers from people as much as possible. Ever since I got back mum and dad became way to over protective and since mum is the landlady at the leaky cauldron it's not that difficult to see me so I try to go on those trips as little as possible. The final bell rings and Professor Roslyn came in, she took over for Professor McGonagall this year. Before she came Professor McGonagall was still teaching transfiguration because as she would put it she 'didn't want to just higher anyone that would take the job and accidentally higher someone who we thought was dead but really just escaped Azkaban and wanted to kill one of the students.' Everyone laughed when she would tell us that. This year she finally highered Professor Roslyn.

"Take out your transfiguration books and turn to page 159 and start reading chapter 27." She says turning towards the board to finish writing whatever our homework is. I put my book into my bag and take out my transfiguration book turning it to page 159 to start my reading.

"Longbottom." Someone whispered and I look over without moving my head seeing it's James. When did he get here? And why is he so late class is almost over? Better question why is he here, he not in this class. I ignore him and try to read but he keeps tapping my shoulder.

"What?" I whispered angrily.

"Hi." He says innocently smiling so I go back to reading then he starts poking me again.

"What this time?"

"Hi." He says again and I roll my eyes and go back to reading. He starts poking me and I'm getting really annoyed but I can't yell at him because we are still in class.

"What Potter?" I whisper yelled turning to face him.

"Maisie wants to talk to you after class."

"Oh, ok." I say in a nicer tone "Where?"

"She said she'll wait for you at the very back of the Hufflepuff table." He says and I wonder why Maisie trusted James to tell me. They're not that close.

"Ok. Thanks." I respond and finish reading the chapter as James just sits there tapping his fingers on the desk.

Ms Roslyn finally turns around again and sees James beside me. "Mr Potter, why are you in my class?"

"Just can't get enough of good old transfigurations, so, I thought I would come and listen to what you were teaching during this fine day." James lies easily and everyone looked at him knowing it wasn't true. James Potter did not like school.

Ms Roslyn clearly didn't believe him but was interrupted before she could speak.

The bell rings and James hops out of his desks and practically runs out of the room. I slowly gather my things and and head to where James told me to meet Maisie. This better not be some kind of prank. When I get into the great hall I see Maisie anxiously sitting at the back of the Hufflepuff table so I walk over to her and sit across from where she is. "Why aren't you with Albus and Scorpius?"

"Good James told you." She sighs relieved.

"Yup. Why'd you want to talk to me?"

"Albus asked me out." She says and I try not to show how excited I am for them then I see her face and she looks scared.

"Isn't that good you guys have liked each other for a long time." I think they actually started liking each other when they started talking to each other.

"Ya but I got scared and ran away. What do I say?What do we do when we break up. I don't want things to change. What happens if we start dating and he realizes I'm not who he thought I was?" Maisie panics and I put my hand over hers to calm her down.

"You guys are perfect for each other and wont break up. It's worth the risk for the happiness that it brings while it happens." I told her and she instantly relaxes.

"Your right." she smiles "You give some good love advice for a girl who's never had a boyfriend. Maybe you should take some of your own advice."

"Thank you I think. Now let's finish lunch before you go talk to Al." I say and she agrees so we start filling our plates with food.

"So who are you going with to the yule ball?" she asks.

"No one probably."

"What? But this is going to be your last one. You have to go with someone." She says as if it's a big deal or something.

"If I go with someone then I'll have to talk to them. It will just be more fun if I would go with friends." I tell her honestly and she shrugs.

"I guess, at least you're going." Maisie responded obviously a little disappointed. The food disappears as well as all the plates and stuff like that that. I go to say goodbye bye to Maisie when I notice she's completely ignoring me now. I follow her gaze to spot Albus and Scorpius leaving.

"Go on. Tell him before something else happens." I erg her and she does as I said pulling Albus aside but that doesn't stop Scorpius from spying on them. I spot James and decide to give this one more try. I get up from my seat and walk over to him hoping for an answer and not just to be brushed aside again. He's got his back to me so James doesn't notice that I'm there at first until Fred notices me and tells James.

"Hey Longbottom." James smirks. This is not going to go my way.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I say and walk out of the great hall and he follows. I turn the corner a little bit just so that I can get him away from his friends that way maybe he'll tell me. "Will you please finally tell me what you never got to say before we left back to our time?"

"Well, you know what they say. What happens in the past, stays in the past." James says casually and goes to leave but I grab his hand stopping him.

"I've been patiently waiting all summer and fall. Two seasons have past Potter. Two! And you've never told me what it was you were going to tell me so spit it out." I tell him practically yelling with how frustrated I am.

"Oh, uh... I was going to tell you..." he said dragging out every word as if waiting for someone to interrupt him again. "fine stupid univers I'll tell her. I was going to tell you that I think, you should stop calling me Potter."

"What?" I ask confused. That was barely anything why did he take so long to tell me that. Although I can't help but be a little disappointed in his answer.

"My name is James and you should start using it." James justified. No one in the wizarding world uses first names unless they friends so maybe that's a good thing I guess.

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