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Jungkook had never been more flustered in his life and prayed the ground would swallow him whole right then and there. His cheeks burned while the other stared at him. Yoongi seemed completely unbothered by the situation while Jungkook, on the other hand, was struggling to stay standing. Desperately wanting to leave out of embarrassment, Jungkook broke the silence.

"T-thank you." He cleared his throat before giving him a small smile.

Yoongi winked at him and watched him walk away. Yoongi's eyes traveled down the back of the younger slowly.

'He has a nice a-' Yoongi cut himself off this time. 'Okay what the hell am I even thinking?' Yoongi thought mentally slapping himself.

'Wait, did I seriously joke about a pencil?!' Yoongi's eyes widened at his stupidity. 'Real smooth. The one person you finally talked to all fucking year probably thinks you're a weirdo. Doesn't help that he's really fucking cute- I mean, not cute, nice. He's nice. Yeah.' Yoongi bit the inside of his cheek as he watched the 'not cute' boy sit down next to his friends.

Five pairs of eyes were on Jungkook as he returned to their table. Jungkook sat down, his heart still facing and his cheeks still bright red. He wanted to die from how embarrassed he was.

"Wow." Jimin commented as he raised his brows at the flustered boy.

"Your face is hella red. Someone's got a big fucking crush." Tae teased.

"S-shut up! N-no it's not!" Jungkook stuttered, slapping Taehyung's arm. 

"Aw, guys leave him alone he's just shy." Hobi defended even though he was also wearing a teasing smirk on his face.

"Shy cause he's in lov- OW!" Tae shrieked.

He glared at Jin. "Why did you kick me?" Tae spits out.

"Leave my baby alone! Y'all are nasty. Our little Jungkookie is not gonna be like that with anyone okay?!" Jin snapped at all of them but mainly at Tae, who rolled his eyes.

"Jin hyung calm down." Namjoon hissed, not wanting to attract attention from others.

"I saw how he winked at you." Hobi smiled dreamily.

"I know right?! Like damn boi, calm thyself." Taehyung snickered.

"By the way, he was definitely eye fucking you when you walked back over here." Namjoon stated matter-of-factly.

"I can't listen to this." Jin mumbled while plugging his ears.

"Looks like this Yoongi guy wants some Jungbooty." Jimin stated, making the others crack up, apart from Jin and Jungkook.

"You guys are gross. We don't know each other and I'm pretty sure he has no interest in me." Jungkook sighed while shaking his head.

"Did you not hear the eye fucking thing?"

"But what if he is straight? That would be really awkward." Jungkook exclaimed.

"Again: did you not hear the eye fucking thing?" Namjoon monotoned. "By the way he just looked at you he is about as straight as a circle." Namjoon scoffed. The others snickered and agreed.

"Whatever. Nothing's gonna happen. We don't know each other and he seems to be the loner type. Plus, I am way too shy to do anything. So if he's introverted and I'm shy, that means we won't have any interactions. I'm not crushing on him or anything. He's good looking, but I doubt anything will happen. So don't get your hopes up." Jungkook rolled his eyes at the group.

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