2. School

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"WAKE THE FUCK UP!", I heard a familiar voice yelling through my window.

I immediately sat up and looked at my clock.

"Holy shit.", I hissed under my breath. I walked up to my window and saw Felix standing there. "I'll hurry, you can come in and wait in the kitchen or something.", I said.

"Hurry, I don't want to be late because of you.", he rolled his eyes and walked up to the front door, which my mom opened for him when rang the bell.

I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. After that I ran back into my room and changed into my clothes.

When I was ready I got into the kitchen where my mom and Felix were talking.

"There you are. Let's go now!", he said crossing his arms.

"But my precious breakfast!", I pouted.

"Too bad.", he said good bye to my mom and grabbed my arm. He rushed out of the house and took me with him.

"Woah, slow down.", I said freeing myself from his grip. And walking next to him now.

"We are always late because of you.", he said. "I'm sorry? I need my sleep so I stay as beautiful as I am.", I told him.

"You? Beautiful? Does that even fit together?", he laughed. "And even if thats right what you say, you are supposed to be a model by now because you are sleeping way too much."

"I feel offended.", I fake a cry.

He rolled his eyes.

"We got here in time.", I said smiling as we arrived at our school. "All that stress for nothing."

"We are not in class yet."

We went to our class and sat down. Too bad we are not sitting next to each other. Not only that is bothering me but also the one who is sitting next to him. Kang Sohee. The most annoying girl in school.

She has like the biggest crush on Felix and always clings to him and what's even worse he seems to like that.
I don't like the idea of them being a couple.

As our Math Teacher entered the room everything went quiet. We all were kinda afraid of him because he is so strict. I hope Math is over soon.

And no. It felt like eternity.

When we had break Felix and I often go to the rooftop. There was a time where we talked up there. Just the two of us but now Sohee is there every break too.

"I really hate our math teacher, can't we get another one?", I pouted.

"I don't think so. I guess we will survive this last year.", he laughed.

"Yeah, maybe but seriously how can a math te-", I got cut off by Sohee.

"Yeah, yeah. Felix you look super handsome today, how about we do something together after school?", she asked trying to act cute clinging at his arm.

Wow, I feel like I have to vomit righ now. In her face.

"No, sorry, I promised Y/N already today.", he tried to free himself from her grip.

"But you always do something with her! Why can't you do something with me today?", she said whining.

"I'm sorry but I can hear everything and that means literally everything.", I said. Seriously she pisses me off so bad.

"Sorry.", he smiled at her.

"Yes, Sorry Sohee, he can't today.", I faked a smile. She gave me a death glare.

When the break was over we went back to class. The rest of the classes went by smoothly.

I went to Felix's table and leaned over.

"So let's go?", I said.

He looked down and scratched his neck.

"The thing is- Sohee told me she had to tell me something important. Could you wait a few minutes?", he asked.

I rolled my eyes. It was pretty obvious what she wanted to tell him.
"Don't go. You already told her you have no time.", I said.

"It's only a few minutes.", he said back.

"We both know what she wants to tell you. Let's just go okay?", I asked him hoping for him to come with me.

"Just wait here, I will be back.", he said rushing out of the class.

I sat down and played with my phone. I thought about the possible scenario multiple times. So it's pretty obvious she wants to confess but he won't accept right? Why would he? He doesn't like her.

After an eternity he entered the class room.

"So what was it?", I asked him.

He scratched his neck.

"Felix?", I asked again.

"She confessed.", he said.

"Oh what did she say after you turned her down?", I asked.


"Wow thats new-", I said.

"Because I didn't turn her down.", he continued.

I felt something in my chest shatter.

"Oh- So you two are a thing now?", I asked. "Congrats.", I faked a smile.

"Are you jealous?", he poked my cheek laughing.

"No.", I laughed. Yes.

"I absolutely forgot that I have to go shopping with mom today! Sorry! See you tomorrow.", I said rushing out of the class before he could see that a tear was already running down my cheek.

The truth is I always loved him more than a friend.
Since he was with me on the rooftop. Since the day he stopped me from ending my life.
He is everything I need.
A sweet illusion telling me everything is perfect.
My Placebo.

"Placebo" || Lee Felix FFWhere stories live. Discover now