Chapter Eighteen// Nobody Puts Shemar In The Corner

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The next few months went by in a flash. The producers commented my acting, so I guess I was getting better. I didn't know exactly why, since I had only see Shemar twice the whole span of months, but I was glad.

Season seven was coming to an end. The producers decided to end it with JJ's and Will's wedding. It seemed like a pretty nice way to end a season.

My stomach growled and I decided it was time for me to take a lunch break. I walked over to the break room. Simon and Paget were already in there, eating sandwiches and talking.

"I'm wondering how he'll re—" Simon muttered, but stopped talking as I walked in.

"Hey guys," I smiled, opening the fridge to get a water bottle. "What are you guys talking about?"

Simon hesitated, then replied, "AJ's son, Mehkai, is gonna be on the show. We were talking about how he might react to being on television at such a young age."

Paget nodded and smiled as I sat down. I was glad Mehkai would be on the show. I loved kids.

"That's awesome! Did she want him on the show or is this the writer's idea?" I asked, taking a bite of my sandwich.

"The writers asked and she said yes," Paget answered. Simon stood quiet, staring at the floor.

"Um," he stuttered, looking up, "I'll just let you two talk." Then he walked outside.

Well then, I thought. Simon seemed really frantic. Were they actually talking about Mehkai or was that just a cover up?

"Have you seen Shemar recently?" Paget asked, sitting beside me.

"Not in a few weeks. We've been distant but we text a lot." I needed to visit him soon.

Thomas and Joe walked in, Joe holding a bag from Olive Garden. He sure did love Olive Garden.

"Hi kids," he greeted us, sitting the bag on the table.

"Can I have a breadstick?" I asked, assuming breadsticks would be in there.


Well then.

We all watched attentively as Joe pulled out a thing of pasta and breadsticks. Then we all have each other glances, and started laughing.

In the show, the team was saw as a family. I think the cast was much like a family. Especially with moments like these.

After our lunch break, we recorded. It was a pretty short day.

I decided to go on home. My trailer wouldn't be that comfortable another night.

When I walked into my house, I was overwhelmed with loneliness. It felt different, as if Shemar missing had just began.

It had been months, I'd been fine. Why is it that now I have this feeling?

I picked up my phone and decided to call him. He answered on the first ring.

"Hey, Pretty Boy."


"What's up?"

"I just needed to hear your voice," I muttered, swallowing back a tear.

"How was work?" I heard shuffling sounds.

"Fine." I sat on my couch.

"What are the plans for the season finale?"

"J.J.'s wedding," I replied. "AJ's son is gonna be in it."

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