I don't know man but i'm feelling kind of pan

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If you are a traditional Christian boi and you don't like dis then you can skip if ya want

At first down the road of finding myself I thought I was straight as speghetti ( until you get it wet) but during middle school I saw this really fuckin pretty girl and damn I wanted to get to know her so we could be friends then if I like her for her then I would ask her out but I never really got to becaise I am not that good with strangers. So then i thought hmmmm maybe i'm bi oh but wait it gets better ( not really) you know when you are zhe pansexual you would love anyone regardless of gender yeeeaaahh 8th grade here weee goooooo okey so 8th grade comes and i get into Voltron and im like loving Pidge because she is 👌 and plus i just loove her personality like damn i would date. But anyway Pidge from Voltron was the the one who made me reconsider my sexuality and Jaehee from Mystic Messenger (aka Mistake Messenger). Anytime i fall in love with a fictinal character well anyone really it is mainly because of their personality not their looks or other stupid things. Anyway i should cut this short cause my head hurts and i know it didnt make sense leave me alone please

Welp Author out ✌

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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