etAn iS A ComPleTe meSs Up I'm UpdAting ThIs fOr u gUys hHah lUv u

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sO as we AlL KNO, etan is a SMOL bEn that Is Trash
IM runnIng oUt of IdeAs
oNe dAy, mArek tOldd etah To gEt pizza!!1!
BUt etAn didN't wAnt piZza
So he murdered Mark in a cold blooded nature, leaving nothing but a trace of blood on the tiled floor. No one has heard from Ethan for years now, but all that we have is his murders that keep popping up across the globe. America, England, Ireland....every where you go, Ethan will be there.

All because he didn't want to get pizza.

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