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Syretia looked from Welma to Ettore who was now rubbing his head where the book had hit him.

"Che cazzo," he cursed under his breath. "Dio, sei irritante." (what the fuck)//(God you're irritating)

"He's talking too quickly to keep up," Welma had retrieved the book and started to sift through it again.

"Bene, non tenere il passo," he crossed his arms over his chest and turned his nose to the air. (Well, don't keep up)

"You know what I think?" Welma scowled at him, "you can understand us perfectly well, you're just refusing to comply."

Syretia tugged them along to the desk area and sat down in front of the opening the web browser to a translator, she pressed on the mic button, "okay, resume."

"Sei irritante, sparisci dalla mia vista!" he exclaimed pointing at Welma, but Syretia noticed he said it more slowly so the mic could pick it up. "Forse allora parlerò in inglese."

"What did he say?" Welma feigned a yawn.

"The translator says that he said, and I quote, 'You're irritating, get out of my sight,'" she paused to let out a laugh, even though Welma looked less than amused. "Anyways, 'maybe then I will speak in English.' I guess that's your cue to leave Welma."

"I'm not leaving you alone with him," Welma tutted kicking her feet against the desk, sending her chair rolling a few feet from the desk. "He's going to be sleeping in that pen in human form if he keeps it up. I'll fix that collar."

"You don't mean that Welma..."

"I sure do! I'm too tired of this I'm going to bed. Syretia, you best be getting home, it's late enough as it is." Welma made her way to the backroom, which was also her main living quarters, the couch folded out into a bed and there was an added on bathroom and kitchen area.

Syretia rolled her eyes are Welma's mood change. She got up from the desk making sure to shut down the computer before making her way to the locker area where she left her stuff during the day. She twisted the combination on her assigned locker and pulled out her bag that had her phone, keys, and some other necessities. She took it upon herself to lock the back door that led out to the wolf pens before making her way to the front door. Feeling a presence behind her, she glanced back over her shoulder.

"Why are you following me around like a lost puppy?"

"I don't want to stay here with that woman, she doesn't like me," his voice was deep, rich, and thick with an Italian accent.

"Well, too bad," Syretia rolled her eyes and slammed the door shut in his face, she stuck the key into the lock, locking it quickly. She looked around the empty parking lot as she speed-walked to her '97 Jeep Cherokee. She climbed in and stuck the key into the ignition starting the car quickly. She pulled the knob for the headlights to turn on and nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw Ettore in his wolf form glaring at her over the hood of the car. She pushed the lock button to lock all of the doors and put the car into reverse. She stomped down on the gas and whipped the car around so fast and shifted into drive in one fluid motion. Holy shit. She sped out of the parking lot onto the backcountry road that would take her back to town and the apartment building she was currently living in. She didn't know why, but all of a sudden her emotions from earlier were starting to surface, the shock had worn off and now she had to deal with a whole new reality.

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