Chapter 28

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     It was around 9:38 pm when Raph was beaten but felt good at the same time working this shift to make the money for Leo and to help pay his dad off. But once Alan came back for his last break he said to Raph making him widened his eye. " Did you know Leo is still here?"
    " What!" Raph them walked over and saw no one but Leo there as it looked like he was reading some book. So Raph went over to Leo and grabbed his shoulder in a gentle way to not scare Leo as it did make Leo jump so he looked away from his book and to Raph as he said to Leo worried. " Why are you still here..."
    He grabbed his notebook and wrote down while Raph looked. " I thought I would wait till you got off work since I had nothing else to do. "
    Raph looked at Leo and he too looked back to Raph but Raph then looked around seeing no other customers and that no one at work was watching while Raph got his hand to Leo's cheek. " You could have gone to do something else than just sitting here this whole time..."
    Leo then started to write again as Raph's hand would not let Leo's cheek go. " like I said I had nothing more planned... "
    Raph signed and creased Leo's cheek softly. " alright... Once I'm off I will walk you home. "
    Then Raph pulled away and started to the kitchen as Leo watched him looking a little disappointed. ' but... I was hoping we would do something first before I headed back home...'
~ ~ ~
    After the few minutes have passed Raph got off work and got to Leo as he got his bag and paid from the tea he had the whole time there as they two then started to head out after saying by to Alan. They walked down the street of the restaurant as Raph saw Leo's cheeks a little puffed out so he stopped Leo to have him look over his way. " what is wrong Leo?"
    Leo signed and looked away as he didn't want to make Raph mad. But as soon as Leo didn't answer him Raph grabbed his arm and pulled Leo to a wall of a place that was closed for the night. " Leo don't ignore me!"
  Leo blushed to look a little at Raph as that got Raph to blush too while he placed a hand on his face. " Are you really in the mood right know Leo?"
    As Raph looked at Leo he looks down still blushing but nods as Raph signed and looked around. The area was empty and the street was a little dark but Raph didn't want to be seen in public with Leo as what if someone saw and that knew his dad.
    Leo looked up as he saw Raph thinking as Leo felt that Raph wasn't and grabbed Raph's arm getting his attention while Leo smiled and shook his head no hoping Raph would now what he was meaning. Sadly Raph did as he rubbed the back of his head and held Leo's hand saying low. " We can make out for a few seconds though..."
     Leo brought Raph to his lips while they kissed and blushed so Raph leaned more against Leo slightly pinning him to the wall as they then started to use their tongues getting more turned on by their kisses. So Leo got his hands to Raph's hips keeping him close while then he opened his eyes as he looked at Raph's face seeing his eyes where closed.
    Leo felt this kiss was somehow different in a way. He feels like Raph has always kissed him this hard but it also felt like passion was on this kiss.
     Raph then felt Leo pull away as he looked at Leo while they both panted. " You okay?"
     Leo nods his head and then hugs Raph as that made Raph blush so hard that he hugged Leo back to hide his face. They hugged for a little wanting them two to tell their feelings so bad for each other but their fears were keeping them from telling as they both flavored the moment right now.
    Then Raph's phone went off as he pulled one arm away from Leo but had the other still around him as he loosened their hug. Leo looked at Raph as he got one arm still around Raph while the other was on Raph's shirts chest area.
     Raph saw it was his dad calling as he ignored the call while Leo noticed him doing that as Raph then went to the text telling his dad. " I'm heading home dad I'll be there in 25 to probably 30 minutes..."
    Once Raph was done he placed his phone back in his pocket and looked back to Leo while he had a sad smile getting a hand to Raph's face. " You ready to go home?"
    Leo nods his head as they let each other go from the hug but Raph got his hand to Leo's holding it as they walked down the street as Raph was going to head to Leo's first to drop Leo off safely than to his dads place to deal with his probably already drunk dad.

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