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Nona's POV

"NONA," I hear Ethan yell.

"WHERE ARE MY SHORTS," he screams, while walking into the laundry room.

"Ethan stop yelling, and what color are they," I asked.

"Red." He replies.

I pulled them out of the basket of clothes I'm folding, and handed them to him.

"Thanks Nona." He says as he walks away

"You're welcome," I say, continuing to do the laundry, Until I feel something touch my back. As soon as I turn around to find out what touched me, I'm instantly pulled into this warm and comfortable embrace. It was different than other hugs Grayson had given me. His aura seemed bothered by something. When he pulled back I looked up at his face, he gave me a faint smile.

"What's wrong Gray?" I asked while turning to finish the laundry.

"Nona I'm ordering food, do you want anything," Grayson says, with a worried look on his face.

"No , I'm good, thank you though," I say as I continue to fold clothes.

"Nona, you have to eat something, you've barely eaten anything all week, did you even eat today?" He ask with slight attitude. I stopped a minute to think about it, and he's right, I haven't really been eating lately, it's almost 5 pm and I have yet to eat anything today. I guess I was taking too long to answer him because he broke the silence to say.

"If it took you that long to think about it, then it means no. I'm going to order you something, and you're gonna eat it," Grayson says as he leaves the room. All I could do was give him a gentle smile, while he walks off to finish ordering the food.

Now you're probably wondering who I am, and what I look like, and why am I taking care of  The Dolan Twins... well it's a long story.

**Few years ago**

"Sapphire sweetie, I need you to get me my bags please so I can get to work okay, and when your mom gets home I need you to take care of her like always, and well you know the drill."

"Ok pops," I said while handing him his sandwich bags so he could wrap his "product". He then gave me a huge roll of money and said.

"It ain't much, but I want you to know I love you, and I hope you make it better in life than me and your mother okay, you have to promise me that. I know that you wanna leave and go off and live a better life," he says as he starts to cry "I just don't know what went wrong we weren't like this at first remember." He said while wiping away his tears. I smiled because it was the truth we use to be happy, with a nice home full of nice things, we would go out on weekends and have fun, but now we live in a small, dim, almost empty house, nothing to eat, plus mom is always gone and I know it hurts my dad, that he has to sell drugs now to make rent but he's trying his best and I love him for that. He grabbed my hand and held it trying to keep from crying.

"You're gonna make it baby girl don't worry ok, I love you," He said while getting his things together. "I love you too pops." I hugged him... as he left out the door. I went to my room with the money he gave me I read the note wrapped inside it said 5,000 dollars, now I'm rethinking on what he ment by ain't much. I put the note back, and put the roll of money in my bag I had hidden in my room. Next thing I know, I hear mom down stairs drunk as always, hopefully she passes out, I hate seeing her like that. I start walking downstairs and see her on the couch passed out. She left the door wide open I went to shut it, and I paused for a minute. I saw my dad down the street on his corner talking to some guy, I made a gentle smile I know it's dangerous to sell drugs close to you're home, but my dad wasn't too worried about many people doing anything. Plus no one really knew he lived here because he goes out the back and walks around the block a few times. He also did that so his customers could see him. I've seen all my dad's customers, he has his regulars that he knows well. It was rare for him to have one I didn't recognize, but the man he was currently talking to... I couldn't see his face clearly and I had a weird feeling about him. As I turned to go back inside... I heard gun shots. My heart felt heavy, I didn't wanna look outside at what might have been the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I really didn't wanna turn around, I was frozen in fear. Then I heard people yelling and screaming my dad's street name. I was fighting back tears, I still refused to turn around in this moment...then the sound of sirens over threw the screams.

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