Nona's New School?

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Next thing I know we are pulling up to this huge high school, but no one was outside of this one.

"Where are the people?" I asked.

"Inside like they are supposed to be I guess?" My uncle says in an unsure manner.

"They don't have security?" I questioned as we were walking up the stairs to the front door.

"The schools here are different from your schools back home. Most of them do not have security." Uncle Trey says as we're approaching the doors ready to go inside. 

"Oh, Okay." I respond but a weird feeling had came over me as we were trying to open the doors, It was a feeling of being watched, but I saw no cameras. When we had gotten to the doors, I tried my best to open them. They were too damn heavy. It was like pushing a pound of bricks.

"What's wrong, is it locked?" Asked uncle Trey.

"No, it's just that the door is too heavy." I told him.

He begins laughing as he opens the door like its nothing. "The door is not that heavy, your just too little to open it. How tall are you like 4'9 - 5'0 ft tall with the strength of a 3 year old. " he says as we enter the cold building dimly lit building.

"In my defense 3 year old's are pretty strong for there size and age. You ever been hit by one? They leave you bruised for a week." I say while we laugh.

"I am going to go into the office and talk with someone to find out more information about this school and stuff, I'll come get you if needed. Sit on that bench over there until I'm done." He says, leaving me in the cold barely lit hallway all alone. *Do they not have lights?*  I thought to myself. I don't understand why my uncle still talks to me like I'm a little child, I'm 15 for crying out loud. Then all of a sudden I'm falling to the ground. Maybe I am still a child since I'm tripping over my own two feet. As I'm getting myself up off the ground, the feeling of being watched is coming back to me and sound of laughter fills the hallway. When I turn to the direction of the sound I see this fine ass guy walking up to me. I'm starting to like this school already.

"Are you okay?" he asked as I was awkwardly dusting myself off.

"Um yeah... I'm good, thanks." I said while looking around making sure no one else saw me fall.

"I'm Justin by the way." He says while holding his hand out towards me for me to shake.

"I'm Sapphire." I say while observing his features. He is tall so I say about 5'7 or 5'9 he has beautiful aqua blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. He has a nice smile and he is slightly muscular too, he's probably on the football team. "Hmm.."

"Why are we humming?" he says while smiling at me.

"Omg, I said that out loud?" I say as I'm now embarrassed and feel my face heating up.

"Yes, yes you did, and you're blushing." He says while leaning in closer.

"Um-" I'm cut off by a loud voice.

"EXCUSE ME, WHO THE FUCK IS THIS BITCH JUSTIN!!" I look over to see this blonde chick in a cheerleading uniform madly walking towards us.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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