Hi, I'm Bipper!

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Bipper's POV

'It was Shooting-'Mabel's 'fault this happened.' She betrayed me! 'Honestly, the girl just didn't know when to stop.' She willingly gave you the journal! 'So now PineTree-' Dipper! 'PineTree's mind, and my own were fused together and I'm now stuck in this meatsack's body.' I'll have you know my body is very nice! 'Whatever, tell yourself want you want kid.'

Hey, Bill? 'Yes?' What would happen if we pushed that guy off a cliff- wait no! What am I thinking?!? 'He would die genius.' That's when we heard rustling in the bushes. Out came a tiny child in a sweater that held one purple line in the middle, while the rest was blue. This kid seemed very merciful. Not for long... 'Wow PineTree, that was dark.' I didn't mean it! "Heya there kid, what are you doing out so late?" It only stared at us.

Not much of a talker... "Do you like destroying things?" 'What has my insane mind done to a pure PineTree...' The kid then held a worried expression on it's face, shaking it's head vigorously. "Good." It seems to have calmed down. 'So it's name is it...or like...' What? No, I call it an it because it doesn't seem to be gender specific. "Oh. That's weird." I told myself aloud, not realizing the child was still listening.

3rd Person POV

Frisk looked at the male with it's head tilted side ways. "Wanna go on a journey with us!" Bipper asked. This made the tiny smol bean child smile widely, grabbing Bipper's hand, after being so used to with Toriel. 'Toriel...' This thought made Frisk sad. Sad for leaving Toriel. Sad for not finding it's way back home afterward. Sad for...nevermind. That ones to personal.

"I think we should try different realms." Bipper said aloud to the group. 'Hey PineTree?' Bill thought. 'Yes Bill?' 'We don't know this child's name.' "Hey kid, what's your name?" Frisk looked up before taking its hand out of Bipper's and writing Frisk in the dir. When Bipper nodded in understanding, Frisk grabbed his hand again. It noticed the voice changes in the males voice, but decided to forget about it. Anyways, maybe these guys could help it find it's way home! Little did it know...fate had bigger plans...

A/N: So if y'alls haven't noticed by now, italics is Dipper speaking to Bill. The normal with 'this' mark is Bill thinking. Italics with "this" mark is Dipper speaking. Normal with this "mark" is Bill talking. So yeah. Thanks. Bye.

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