4: The moon

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Your P.O.V

I woke up happy that i avoided a beating last night, but the happiness soon faded away. I was still in E-class, i was still going to get a beating even if it wasn't by my parents. I was walking up the mountain when i heard Nagisa's voice call out to me, "Y/N! Wait up!" I slowed down and smiled at him like i wanted to actually walk with him, i just wanted to be alone, the mountain is so.....peaceful. Thats when we heard it the explosion, i looked up and saw that most of the moon just blew up, 'but how? Why?!?' I thought. Who would do this to the moon no one could have that much power or explosives, right? I looked back and saw the who street in a panic, everyone, everywhere was screaming, crying and fearing for their lives. 'Could we actually die?' Everything was racing through my head, i put my hands in my hair and collapsed on the ground. I didn't know what was happening.

A hand touched my shoulder making me jump out of my trance, i looked up with scared eyes and met Nagisa's blue ones, "Y/N we need to go. Are you ok?" I nodded at got up with his help, my body felt weak and drained and for a second i was glad that Nagisa was with me. Without hesitation he grabbed my hand and we started running towards the classroom weaving clear of trees occasionally looking up to see if any of the moon debris was falling...but none was, thankfully. I started to see the classroom and i lightly laughed in relief. We practically fell threw the door of E-class. I looked up and everyone was there, exempt our teacher. "Wait, wheres miss?" All the students had a downcast look on their face and i feared the worst, "she got killed well thats what the principle told us, we're getting a new teacher in an hour." I was astonished, "how did they find another teacher so quickly?" Someone shrugged, "we don't know." If i were to be honest, i did really like our teacher and i only really knew her for one day, 'damn,' but i guess thats life for you, cruel and unfair. All we had to do was wait.

'How!' An agent came and explained to us that our new teacher was the one who blew up most of the moon, did he also kill our old teacher, why would he want to teach here of all places??? I had so many questions that were running through my mind. As quickly as i could i jumped up and raced out the E-class door and i ran towards the mountain.

I don't know how long i was running for or how much distance i covered but i found myself in a grove of different coloured flowers. Before i ran out this is what i knew about our new 'teacher' he moves at mach 20, in a year he will blow up the Earth if we fail to kill him which will be our graduation now that i think about it, the person or people that kill him each get 10 billion as a reward and shush money, like they could buy my silence,  he apparently came out of now where and the last thing was that only special bullets, guns and knifes work on him and we've all been given some, well exempt for me. I don't want to have to kill him, i'd rather the Earth be blown up than kill him. Someone else can have my weapons.

After staying in the grove for over an hour, i decided that i would just stay here for the rest of the day and leave when the home bell rang, i don't want to go back to the classroom. I heard a noise in the distance, 'mach 20, how fast is that, is it even him. If mach 20 is practically super speed he could easily find me!' In the second that i lifted my foot to run again he appeared in front of me. I screamed. "Oh dear sorry to scare you." I was breathing heavily, 'this guy who does he think he is' "leave me alone!" He had this stupid smile on his face, it was hard to tell what his expression was. "Whats wrong Y/N? I know this is sudden but i'm sure we'll have a great year together before i blow up the Earth." He lifted one of his tentacles to put on my shoulder but i smacked it away surprising him, "i said LEAVE ME ALONE!" I was spitting with rage and i knew he could tell, "i don't care if your our new teacher, i don't care if you try to make friends, i want you to leave, you blew up the moon and kill our old teacher. You think something is wrong....YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME OR MY LIFE!" He seemed genially terrified, "i'll uh leave you alone then feel free to come back when your ready!" And with that he flew off and i was once again alone, tears started pouring out of my eyes before i even had realised.

At the end of the day i still managed to hear the home bell, i realised my bag was still at the classroom, '****' sigh, i guess i'll leave it there for one night, it won't hurt will it? I walked down the mountain when i saw Nagisa ahead of me and he was holding two bags? I ran up to him and started walking next to him not saying anything. After a while of walking i spoke up, "is that my bag?" He nodded and held it out to me, i smiled softly and took it, "you know you didn't have to do that but thanks for that." He looked up and smiled sadly at me, "i did it because your my friend Y/N." I stopped walking in surprise, "f-friend? Really!!" I said in hope, Nagisa turned and looked at me in surprise, "yeah of course we're friends, it's why i hang out with you, you really cool and sweet Y/N, unlike the other A-class students." We both had a bit of a laugh and his statement before starting to walk home again, "sorry for uh bailing class today..." I spoke uneasy but Nagisa just nodded, "yeah it's a big change i tried to go after you but Koro-sensei stopped me." I looked at him confused, "whos Koro-sensei?" I could have probably guessed it but my mind wasn't thinking straight, "the yellow octopus." I nodded and made an oh sound, "i didn't mean to run my body kinda moved on its own, i just don't want to kill him." He agreed but i knew that he was going to try and kill him still.

I arrived home with a smack across my face, "where were you? Your late!" My mother spoke in an angry tone, "i-i was walking home with Nagisa, i didn't mean to be late i swear!" My father came out with a knife in his hand, he passed it to my mother and i started to back away, "p-please no, don't!" It was like they didn't even hear me, i felt my fathers foot come in contact with my head and smashed into the ground in pain. The next thing i felt was a jolt through my leg, i gathered up the strength and moved my head to see a long cut across my leg, my eyes started to tear up. A fist came in contact with my face next, "stop crying you baby, you deserve everything your getting!" I blinked back the tears and endured the pain.

After what seemed like an eternity i limped into the bathroom to wash off all the blood and bandage the cuts. 'With the skirts we wear at school someones bound to notice the bandages,' i started to cry, why was my life like this? What did i do that made me deserve this? I hated my life so much would anyone care if i just ran away or killed myself? My life was hell, that was one thing for certain but theres got to be hope right. Fine, i'll endure the punches and the kicks, the knifes and the bats, i'll endure it all because i actually have something to look forward to when i go to sleep at night and wake up the next day, and shining hope was...

That shining hope, that star that could fix me, help me, save me, was Nagisa.

1454 words: a new record :) not including this though.

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