Chapter 14 Old Friends

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Orlando's POV

After seeing what I had just witnessed, I was mortified, and pissed, all wrapped up into one fucking emotion. How could he betray me like this? I have known him for such a long time, and he just went out of his way to piss me off. What a douche. He was acting like a pussy. He was being such a dumbass kissing a girl that I kissed first. I kissed her first. Not him. His lips should have gone no where near hers. No where. But he didn't listen, and broke my golden rule. After he had tried to explain to me I ignored him the entire time, and just teleported to be as far away as I could. I went all the way to France to meet up with an old friend. His name was Marco, and I had called him minutes before this incident sensing something would happen, so I could use him as a get away. I had finally gotten to the cafe that Marco told me to go to. Marco wasn't his real name though he was one of us as well. Marcos chosen name he picked out was Neapolitan. Even though he was Italian, he had chosen to live in France all by himself traveling the world since he to was a teleporter. He had texted me he was going to be late since he had 'business' to take care of, so I ordered two coffees with vanilla. We called Neapolitan Li for short since it was a lot easier to say, but he hated it nice he said it didn't sound Italian, but we did it any way because we found it funny. Li and I go way back before I had met Hydro 2 years after, and then Apollo 9 years after that, but ever since I have known them all my life. Li has also knew Apollo longer than me, but not by much since he had rescued Apollo in a way, and so then Hydro and I took him after Li had dropped him off since he was being recruited to Siberia. And ever since then I have kept in close contact with him till this day. Li is known for his charms with the women. He is about my age, and is still very young, and attractive some might say because of his physical features and appearance. He had dark raven black hair that was always slicked back smoothly with emerald green eyes, and pearly white teeth, with a perfectly sculpted body, and his eyes had changed because he is a boa. Not like Hydro, but far more dangerous, he turns into a gigantic 'emerald' green tree boa, but human wise. He just grows a scaley green head and a long tail, with a snake tongue, and fangs, that retract easily, along with long bony fingers and yellowing nails, that are razor sharp.

"My my you have not changed a single bit my friend." And I turned around to see Li standing there with the stupidest grin ever, with that deep Italian voice of his, especially since he had a strong accent.

"And neither have you Li." I said engulfing him in a manly hug.

"Ai enough with the Li, I hate it." He replied making laugh a deep laugh.

"Well to bad." I laughed.

"So what brings YIU here? I bet your flight here was drastic." He winked, knowing I didn't fly but just joking with me.

"I had to get away from the warehouse. Apollo pushed me over the edge." I replied looking last him at the beautiful painting replica of the Mona Lisa.

"By the way u have some blood left over on your shirt." I said holding back a laugh.

"Oh...haha...well I can say that vampire tasted great." He replied covering up his shirt with his blazer.

"Oh and Orlando my friend, what did Apollo do? I mean tht boy of yours is always conjuring up something, I am surprised that wasn't Hydro who did something like a' usual." He said in his accent that u could hardly understand.

"So I have recruited a new member to the team and-" I was cutoff.

"New member? Are you crazy man?" He said slurring his words a hit since he was jacked up on a bit if the booze canteen he walked in with.

"Yes and it's a she and-"

" A she? Oh my dear friend what are you doing with a girl?" He asked like I was stupid.

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