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It was cold. And dark. Rosanna couldn't see a thing. Try as she might, there was nothing but emptiness. Nothing but fear.

Her memories were blurred, if that wasn't evident to Ro before, it was now. She couldn't recall anything after what had happened to Safia. Poor Safia. Willy had cut her down like she was a cobweb being walked through. Seemingly so strong, but in reality, so easy to break.

"Safia died!"

Matt? That was Matt's voice, of course it was. Did she pass out? It would've made sense, Ro knew that she was extremely fearful of death as a whole and seeing how Safia was... ravaged... it could've easily made her pass out.

"Baby steps, Ro!"

Confusion clouded her mind as she heard his voice in the darkness, once again. What did Matt mean by 'baby steps'? Taking baby steps to waking up? That must have been it.

"It's okay. Baby steps."

There it was again. Matt was obviously trying to coax her awake, what else could it have been? Her memories were coming back to her slowly. Witches? They were obviously the next thing they had to beat, but why could she remember them so prominently if Matt was just trying to wake her up after she passed out?

"You were the best friend I could've asked for."

Why did Matt sound so down? That wasn't right at all. He shouldn't be sad, Ro was certain that she was on the bridge of waking up and being welcomed back with a warm embrace from her best friend, her brother in so many ways. They were as close as they could come, so why was Matt so sad? It's not like she had died or something-...

Oh no...

"Be brave Ro!"

Oh no... no no no... I... Matt...

The memories hit her like a ton of bricks. Every ounce of bravery she had left in her, holding it as tight as she could have as she had clutched her stomach while being dragged away. Matt, Joey and Manny had finished before her. And Matt had kept her spirits up until the moment that she... she...

Fear engulfed Ro. The darkness was suffocating as she remembered everything that had happened. The nausea caused by that drink, the weakness she felt being dragged away and forced down into a table... the stabbing pain of three knives being pushed into her already fragile figure. Even with Matt's words of comfort, she couldn't be brave until the end. She remembered the ear piercing scream she had let out as the pain became unbearable in less than a second. Holding onto Matt's words had done nothing to prepare her and now she was alone in the darkness and cold and there was no where she could go or be.

So alone. So afraid. So...

Ro felt a pair of strong arms lift up her body. Her eyes were fluttering open and closed and suddenly the dark and cold was replaced with... a garden. A garden with trees and a large estate. She blinked multiple times, closing her eyes again due to the sight seeming too good to be true.

"...I think... losing her!"

"Get... inside, I'll distract...!"

There were two voices, Ro could only distinguish the gender of them being male and female. She couldn't pick up much of what they were saying either. Only bits and pieces. She thought she had heard a name beginning with an 'A' but she couldn't be certain. Opening her eyes for a split second, she spotted one of her two 'saviours'.

A young woman, clad in a black gown with dark hair pulled up neatly. Her back was turned, Rosanna couldn't see her face. But she could just about focus on whoever the female was keeping at bay.

A man, couldn't be more than 35. A short beard and lighter hair and the female. He looked so formal, wearing a waist coat and tie. Like he was a butler or something.

Her vision became blotchy as her eyes closed once again. The Jet Setter was tired. Oh so tired. Her stomach still churned and her head was spinning. She couldn't focus on anything anymore, so she closed her eyes.

"It's okay, you're safe now."

The male's voice was the last thing she could make out before she succumbed to her exhaustion.


The young man who had been carrying Rosanna set her down on a couch as soon as he was in the living room.

"Is she okay? Alex, is she okay?"

Alex turned to the woman who had addressed him. Clad in her red leather jacket, lighter coloured sweater with a white stripe, and blue jeans, Safia was stood in the doorway, an equally concerned Lauren stood behind her.

"She's okay. Clearly exhausted. I don't envy how she died that's for sure. Allison had to actually confront him."

"That's not good at all."

"Are you okay, Alex?"

"Fine. Allison needs to patch herself up but we're both okay and so is the new arrival."

The vampire woman by the name of Allison entered the room at this point, every possible concern now etched on her face as she looked between the three people in the room.

"It's getting worse. You should gather the others. I don't know what Joey is doing but, whatever is happening in Everlock, it's making them more aggressive."

Alex nodded, his gaze falling to the protected window.

"And that means there's less time for us."

A state of FEAR : Escape The Night FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now