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Georgia and Sophie have just settled into the hotel they're staying at

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Georgia and Sophie have just settled into the hotel they're staying at. They have two joining rooms which leads into a big main room, it looks extravagant. Sophie is unpacking her suitcase in one room whilst Georgia looks out the huge window in front of her in the main room. "I still can't believe we're finally here" Georgia shouts over to Sophie in the other room. They'd had time to relax after their odd experience at the airport. "Me too! When are we meeting Kai?" Sophie shouts back, "I'm not sure I'll ask him" Georgia yells pulling out her phone.

 "Me too! When are we meeting Kai?" Sophie shouts back, "I'm not sure I'll ask him" Georgia yells pulling out her phone

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"Be ready for about 8!" Georgia says, "AGHH, I'm so excited what do I wear?" Sophie shouts running into the room

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"Be ready for about 8!" Georgia says, "AGHH, I'm so excited what do I wear?" Sophie shouts running into the room. With butterflies in their stomachs they try to think of a way to surprise Chanyeol. "Get naked and hold two light sticks covering your titties and moomoo" Sophie jokingly suggests, Georgia hits Sophie, "this is serious" she laughs. "He might be into that though.." Georgia thinks about it for a second. "What about hiding under his bed?" Sophie asks, "Eww that's weird" Georgia replies. They sit in silence thinking of ideas. "Balloons?" Sophie suggests, "he's 25 not 12" Georgia adds. "We'll have a think while we get ready!" Sophie begins jumping on the spot in excitement, she was finally going to meet the group she'd idolised for years. "Come with me, help me pick an outfit!" Sophie drags Georgia into her bedroom.

They both begin looking through their clothes, trying them against each other. "No" they say. "This one?" "Ew too much" it goes back and forth for a while until Sophie finds the perfect outfit. It's a cute short skirt with a pink top, very much like you'd see Korean uzzlangs wear. "This is perfect." Sophie says, they look some more until Georgia agrees on an outfit. She finally decides on a pear of tight black jeans with a loose top and a denim jacket. "I want to keep it casual, but cute" Georgia says. They both go to the mirror and take a selfie. "Ew I need to fix this face." Sophie says, looking down at the outcome of the photo, she rummages around looking for her makeup. She pulls out an almost dry mascara tube and starts applying it on herself, "hey, are you nervous? I don't know if I can go through with this." Georgia leans herself against the draws beside her, the anxiety of meeting them was so overwhelming. She began to have a sense of doubt, "like, what if Chanyeol really isn't that interested" she sulks to herself, Sophie pauses her makeup for a moment, "Kai knows what he's talking about, Chan has feelings for you. Imagine how many girls would love to be in your position right now? Do you realise how lucky you are to get this far?" Her reassuring words made Georgia think for a moment, maybe she was being selfish. She never really stopped and thought about what Chanyeol was going through. It must be tough, she thought, getting into trouble over things that seemed normal for her but so abnormal for them. Getting annoyed over Chanyeol being at the gym instead of being in bed thinking of her, maybe going to the gym was a way he coped with stress. "Your right, I've not really thought much about what he's going through either" she felt saddened by the thought of him ruining his career over her, she knew how much he was willing to risk and she started to tear up a little, "I don't want to ruin his career" Georgia sniffled trying to hold back the feeling building up inside her, "don't get upset, you aren't ruining his career. It was his choice to talk to you in the first place, nobody forced him. He took that risk" Sophie stood up and gave Georgia a heart warming hug, it helped, Sophie noticed the mascara smears on Georgia's face so she did what any friend would do, "sit down and I'll do your makeup for you" she smiled whilst guiding Georgia to the floor, she took off her old makeup with a wipe as she agreed to the suggestion. "You should be excited, what are you worried about?" Sophie asked rather concerned, "that I'm not what he thought I was" Georgia continues to imagine the disappointment on his face when he sees her. "Your beautiful, snap out of it. We're going to have an amazing time here" Sophie tries her best with Georgia's makeup, she opts for a no makeup look, a little bit of foundation and mascara with a rosy lip balm to enhance her natural features.

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