Chapter Two

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At Dinner...


Shawn's P/O


"Can you pass the salad and the dressing, please?," Nash asked Cam

"Sure," he replied

This dinner wasn't the same as ones it has been like before. Well all knew it too. Something was going on with Hailey.. But I just couldn't put my finger on what is was. Did something happen with Hayes? Is there someone from school being mean to her?

Nothing seemed to match the puzzle in my head I was trying to solve. I just occasionally glanced over at Hailey every few seconds. Her eyes stared at her plate. She never once lifted her head up. She looked like she was about to explode with tears. Yet some how she held it in.

"Hailey can I have the milk, please?," Cameron asked her. She closed her eyes and bit her lip. She showed pain. She opened her mouth to talk but she only let out a deep breath before the tears streamed out...

"Excuse me I need to go to my room.," Hailey said as she ran upstairs with her head facing the floor.

A loud murmur of "Hailey!" And "Hailey what's wrong" came from her actions.

"Let me handle this," Shawn said as he got up from the table


Hailey's Room


Hailey's P/O


It hurt. It really did. Like a stab to the chest. I could almost picture the words in my mind flowing past my eyes. Shawn knocked on the door. I really didn't want to see or speak to anyone right now but I knew he cared so I shouldn't shut him out.

"Hailey? Is everything okay?"

"Ya, everything is fine."

-Shawn Opened the Door-

"Hailey, everything is not fine. Tell me the truth. I need to know."

I had to take a deep breath. It hurt to breathe let alone speak.

"Their.. (Sniffle) was.. (Sniffle) these comments... On twitter." I said as wiped my nose with my sweatshirt sleeve. I could tell as soon as I said that he knew exactly what happened.

Shawn pulled me into a big hug like he had always given me. I loved shawn and he made me feel loved too.

"Shhh...." He said as I still cried into his chest, "everything this will be okay. Don't listen to what they have to stay. What maters is what you believe."

"Thanks Shawn," I said still rapped up in his warmth

Shawn began quietly singing me a song.

"If you gave me a chance I would take it

It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it

Know with all of your heart, you can't shame me

When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be......"

[Rather Be - By Clean Bandit]


I soon fell asleep is his arms...


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