hyunjin imagine

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you and hyunjin have been together for almost a year now, his promotions for my pace had already ended, he promised when the promotions end, you guys would stay at your apartment and just chill out, the promotions had ended a week and a half ago.

[ time skip ]

you arrived at the studio where the boys were practicing for no reason, just being the crackheads they are.
yet you saw hyunjin kissing changbin
you gasped, he turned his head towards the door, you ran out before he could catch you
you heard him yelling your name but you kept running down the hallway.

You ran into Felix running down the hallway
you were crying, Felix was extremely worried
He wondered why you were crying, you told him, he ran towards hyunjin, "wtf are you doing man?!"

hyunjin explained that changbin came onto him, but yet felix doesn't believe him still,
Felix asked "are you gay hyunjin?"

hyunjin yelled "no Felix! What the hell man!"

you turned around and stared at him and asked "is it true? Did changbin really come onto you ? If he did then why did you kiss back?"

hyunjin said "yes of course, you know I wouldn't lie to you! Please baby!"

you rolled your eyes, "fine I forgive you"
you kissed him and pulled away and decided to tease him "wow changbin has some tasty lips"
he rolled his eyes and walked away.
you yelled back "wait babe! I was kidding!!"
Felix started giggling and you stomped on his foot and started running towards hyunjin.

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