A/N: I thought wrong...

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Just when i thought it was all over...
It picked up again.

Jacob was questioned on friday.. his dad had to stop the questioning..
They got a lawyer...

For a long time now, ive been asking jacob if we could play xbox..
He kept saying no and coming up with excuses..

I didnt know that he was so stressed that..
I didnt know that he couldnt...

He was so stressed and still is so stressed that.. he just...
He cant talk to me..

He stopped eating..
Stopped laughing..
Stopped smiling..
Stopped sleeping...
Stopped talking to people..
He cries himself to sleep..
Hes more sensative now..

I cant help but feel like this is all my fault..

Passion had a crush on him..
But he had a crush on me..
I didnt love him..
But he spent more time with me than passion...
Passion probaly got jealous...
She might have done this to get back at me..
Just to torment me..
To break me..
To hurt me..

It worked.

Passion, if youre reading this.
If you somehow managed to find me here.
If you still think we are FRIENDS.
If you think i will forgive you.

Youre dead ass is wrong.

We arent friends anymore and i fucking hate you.
I hope you are lonely for the rest of your fucking life.
I hate you passion.
I really REALLY fucking hate you.
I have never hated someone this much in my life.

And for everyone who is reading this, im sorry.
Im sorry that i cant update  this book like i used to.
And im greatful that most if not all of you have stayed with me through this..
Thank you.

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