chapter 1

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Eliza's POV

Living in Miami had its perks. Traffic was not one of them. I sat in my 2013 Jeep Wrangler while stuck in traffic while I was just going to the damn liquor store. 

I heard my phone ding and my phone lit up. My best friend had texted me- 'Where are youuu!!? I'm hungry.' Traffic had finally started moving along and I pulled into the liquor store. I walked in and looked around for a 6-pack of Bud Light, captain Morgan, and a handle of Fireball whisky. I was walking to go checkout and my phone started vibrating so I tried to hold both the fireball, captain, and six-pack in one hand while pulling my phone out. I turned the corner and answered my phone, "hello?-" I ran into a blonde boy with bright eyes and knocked everything out of my hands. 

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" he exclaimed in a thick accent.

Everything was spilling on the floor and for some reason I could not stop staring at his mesmerizing eyes. We both bent down at the same time and bonked heads and I just so happened to drop my phone right into the puddle of alcohol. 

"Shit!" I picked up my soaking wet phone. I started to apologize to this guy, "I am so sorry I'm such a klutz!"

"No it is completely my fault! Oh my god is your phone broken? I don't even know what to say, i'll pay for everything don't worry about it." He ran his hand through his blonde hair. 

I bent down and picked up my phone that had been sitting in a pool of Bud Light and that was now shattered, "It's fine don't worry about it."

A worker had came over and started to mop this huge mess. "I am so sorry," he repeatedly apologized. 

I gave him a small smile, "Its alright I can just run to Verizon tomorrow and get a new one." 

It was almost 12 at night and I still had to go pick up a pizza for Marley my best friend. 

"Can I at least pay for half of it? I feel terrible." He rambled on. 

"I guess." I shrugged. We had probably been standing in the middle of this store for fifteen minutes trying to clean it up. I walked up to the counter to pay for the drinks I would not be even to enjoy because I spilled it all.

The boy walked behind me with nothing in his hands walking out of the store. 

"How am I supposed to meet you to pay for half of your phone?" he asked me.

"Well i would usually give you my number but since my phone is broken, you can give me your number first." I laughed. 

"How do I know you are some crazy stalker or serial killer?" He asked with sarcasm.

"Isn't it usually the other way around?" I laughed while unlocking my jeep.

"Good point," he smiled, "here's my number." He handed me a small paper with numbers scribbled all across. 

I hopped in my jeep and rolled down my window, "I will see you tomorrow, I'm Eliza by the way."

He walked backwardsto his car, "I'm Niall." 

One hour later

"Mar I swear he was so hot! It looked like he walked straight out of a magazine!" I sat in me and Marleys apartment on the couch while eating pizza.

"And you got his number?" she asked me.

"Well yeah just so he can pay for a part of my new phone." I explained while taking a bite of my pizza.

"Tell me what he looks like!"  she gushed.

"He was tall, blonde hair, blue eyes and had a wonderful accent. I think irish. I'm not sure but whatever it was, it was hot." I described to her. 

She kind of looked confused, "what did you say his name was?"

"Niall." I told her.

She got up and went into the kitchen. "what are you doing?" I yelled to her. 

Marley came back with a magazine and dropped it in my hands, "it looks like he did walk straight out of a magazine." I looked down and the magazine and read the headline 'WHERE WE ARE TOUR - ONE DIRECTION'

Nialls POV

"Was she hot?" "Did you get her number?" "How old is she?" "Did she know who you were?" I had all four boys questioning me.

"Yes, very hot. Yes got her number. Not sure and I don't think so, she did not freak out or anything." I tried to respond to their questions.

"So you knocked all of her alcohol out of her hands and then got her number?" Harry asked.

"Well she knocked her phone on the ground and it fell in a puddle of beer and broke so I offered to pay." I explained. 

"What did she look like?" Zayn asked. 

"Short, long brown hair, hazel eyes, really gorgeous." I told the boys. 

Liam suggested, "Take her to lunch tomorrow! Somewhere private so you don't have to deal with the paps." 

I smiled, "Sounds like a great idea to me." 

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