chapter 3

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Eliza's POV

I curled my long hair and put on my makeup. I loved going out and Miami partied every night. I put on my black crop/ tank top and black jeans. 

"Can you straighten the back of my hair?" Marley asked me.

I walked over to Marley's room to curl her hair. She was wearing a tight red dress with a leather jacket.

"Well don't you look smashing" I said while picking up the straightener.

She laughed, "Speak for yourself. Are you gonna invite Niall to the club?"

"I hadn't really thought about asking him until now." I admitted. 

She smirked, "Sooo! Invite him and his friends."

Once I finished straightening her hair I sent Niall a text.

'hey me and some of my friends are going to the club tonight. you should come, it'll be fun :)'

He texted me back, 'sounds fun ! whats it called ? x'

'Gavanna Miami'

'i'll see what i can do ;)'

"Mar he said maybe." I yelled to her from the porch because I went outside to smoke.

I looked at the time and saw that it was already eight.

"Are we getting a cab?" I asked. 

"No, I should be able to drive." She replied. 

Once I finished off my cig I went to go find the black heels I planned on wearing.

I grabbed my smokes and my wristlet and we headed out the door. 

Nialls pov

"Do you guys want to go out tonight? Eliza texted me and invited us to some club." I asked the boys.

"Yes please I do not want to stay in all night." Zayn groaned . 

"I'm down." Harry said.

Louis shrugged, "Sounds good to me."

"So do you like this girl?" Liam asked me while digging through his suitcase.

"So far I do. I don't know her that well but she's really cool." I explained.

Eliza's POV

We pulled up to the club and I pulled out my fake ID since I was only nineteen. We got into the club and walked and sat by the bar. 

"Well if it isn't my favorite ladies." Joey smiled, "What can I get for y'all?"

Joey was one of our good friends that worked as the bartender. 

"I'll take a martini and a shot of fireball." Marley nodded.

"Two of those please." I smiled.

My phone vibrated and I got a text from Niall- 'we r on our way !'

Joey brought us our drinks and we did the shot of fireball. 

"I don't know why you like fireball so much! I hate whisky it burns." Marley said while shaking her head.

"It's definitely one of my favorites." I said. 

"Another round?" Joey asked.

"Another round? You started without us?" 

I turned around to see Niall smiling. I jumped up and gave him a hug.

"Come sit down! Marley this is Niall and all of his friends. Niall and friends this is Marley." I explained.

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