Taggedness. Is that a word?

10 2 6

I got tagged, in case you couldn't tell.

CuRsE yOu LiesDontHeal !!1!!1

10 facts bout this beauty:

1) I'm a loser.

2) I take showers really late.

3) I get comfortable with people who are willing to talk to me too easily.

4) My native lan. is spanish, even though I can't speak it.

5) my parents always think I'm constantly on my phone.

6) I've been in a lot of schools.

7) I'm scared of my friends leaving me, and I get friend jealous easily.

8) I don't like leaving myself with my thoughts for too long, or I'll end up crying.

9) I'm talkative and I have more that I want to say.

10) I'm a dandere.

11) I'm dumb.

12) My dad constantly has the news on his TV.

13) I have a lot of pet peeves. (Including the fact that I hate that I started most of these sentences with "I" fuu-)

14) Fuck the rules.

I don't have a lot of online friends to tag.


LiesDontHeal hAh bItCh




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