Minerva x Male!Child!Reader

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(Y/N) was hiding from Minerva in a game of Hide & Seek. As Minerva walked by the table (Y/N) was under, a chuckled slipped through his lips. Of course Minerva heard and poked her head under the table looking in (Y/N)'s (E/C) orbs.

"Gotcha!" Minerva lifted (Y/N) from under the table and rested him on her hip while holding him.

"You got me, Mommy!" (Y/N) had a million dollar winning close-eyed smile on his (S/C) face.

Sting walked to Minerva and (Y/N) and ruffled the boy's (H/C) spikes. He chuckled a little puttinf his hands on his hips and Rogue approached them.

"You've changed since you found (Y/N), Minerva." Rogue smiled and patted (Y/N)'s head.

"I just like the change. I have someone to look after other than my father." Minerva set (Y/N) on the ground.

"And you have someone else to love other than your father. Right, Mommy?" (Y/N) asked while tickling the life out of Frosch.

Minerva crouched down to (Y/N)'s height level and rested her hand on his shoulder. She kissed his head and put her forehead against his.

"Yes sweetie. I do."

Sorry about it being short, I had no ideas

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