Meeting koneko

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Y/N: Gets a friend and her name is koneko.

Time skip

Both of You guys are at lunch eating
and talking and then you see a nerdy
kid getting bullied and you got mad.

Y/N: What are you doing stop bullying that kid.

The guys look at you and then stand up.

1 guy:Who the hell do you think you are talking to.

2 guy: Like he said you better get lost or else

Y/N: Let's see then

Both of the guys start to walk towards you and then they start to throw punches at you and then you Dodge and then you start to throw punches at them and you hit one of the guys in the jaw and knock him out then you kick the guy in the face and break his nose then one of the guys leaves holding his nose and then you check on the kid to see if he is all right and then you go back to eating.

Y/N:I hate seeing people getting bullied.

Koneko:Why do you hate seeing people getting bullied.

Y/N: Because when i was little I got bullied because I was a nerd that's why I can't stand seeing people getting bullied.

Y/N:That's why I didn't like it.


It was the end of the day and you where waiting for your brother issei so you guys can go home then issei comes out with his friends Matsuda,Motohama then you rush issei, then issei runs to you then you guys go home.

While you guys are walking home two girls walk up to you guys and say if we had girlfriends.

Y/N: you look at the girls and say no that you guys didn't have a girlfriends.

???: Then if you don't I was wondering if you will go out with me.

Y/N was surprised with the confession and you didn't want to say no so you said yes the girl was happy and said her name was Yuma and her sister told Issei the same thing and he said yes to.

When you guys were about to leave the two sisters stop you and asked the brothers if Sunday was a good day and you guys said yes.

Then you guys walk home.

END Chapter

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