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February 11th 2005.

Aaron ran into my room slamming to door behind him He was out of breath and there was water daring to fall from in his eyes. I heard a glass break and a loud scream, which made us both jump and flinch and I knew what time it was. AP ran towards my bed and flung himself underneath the covers in fear.

'I'm scared,' he whispered to me. I hated how my mum still stayed with this guy and I hated that she allowed me and my 7 year old little brother to live like this. In fear and It was fucked up how we couldn't even do anything but this was our life. I felt like she choose him over us cuz no mum should feel okay with someone abusive being around her kids but I guess maybe she didn't care.

This was just another argument between my mum and her new boyfriend, and this was AP's normal routine everytime. He would hear a few screams and shouting and would run into my room. I would normally turn the tv up to drown the noise out but I don't know why today was any different. I just wanted to hear it.

'Why does he live with us?' Aaron asked me from coming out from underneath the covers still scared.

I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head. 'Because mum loves him I guess,' I replied whilst looking for my tv remote. The arguing was getting louder and I could see in my brothers eyes he was due to start crying any minute now.

'Wanna watch a film? I heard the new marvel film is out, the one you made us miss in the cinema,' I said pushing him and smiling. He laughed and nodded and decided to sit up in the bed.

Just as the movie was due to begin, something from downstairs both made us scared. 'I'll motherfucking kill you and them Bitch. Stop playing with me,' Terry shouted before the sounds of him hitting my mum again rang through the house.

AP slid back underneath the covers and I felt this big lump in the back of my throat. Kill? He threatened to kill both my mum and us. Was he serious? This man was beyond crazy and it scared me. I wanted to be scared but I looked st my brother and I needed to be strong for him. I needed to protect him.

'I don't wanna die,' AP mumbled from under the covers as he cried I looked over at him and I sighed. I had to do something, the 3 of us couldn't live like this.

'AP, remember I told you about the special wardrobe where you stay and nobody will find you. I'm gon' need you to go to that wardrobe, and don't move until I come back,' I explained to him. He came up from underneath the covers and looked at me even more scared.

'You got that?' I asked him and he quickly nodded. 'You gotta be a strong man Aaron for mum. No crying okay?' I said as I wiped the tears from his face. I hated crying. I'd done too much of it already. I didnt have any tears left. He nodded again and scrambled out the bed, and made his way to my wardrobe in my room.

'And don't move or make any noise until I come back,' I said as he stood in the corner.

'Love you bro,' I whispered as I closed the door on him and used my jackets to cover him.

I had to fix this, I had to be the man my dad never was and the only man Aaron would always look up to. I made my way downstairs and I saw Terry on top of my mum beating her. There was blood streaming down her face as she cried and screamed non stop. I had never seen this in my life because she always told me to stay in my room and look after AP, so to say I was scared and shocked was an understatement. My mum looked helpless. She looked over to the steps causing us to lock eyes. She gave me a pleading look so I ran back upstairs quickly.

I snuck across the landing to my mum's room being sure to make minimal noise. I heard a loud slap and another scream making me jump. I shook out of it before Crawling underneath my mums bed. I grabbed the black box and took out a small pistol. Terry kept this gun underneath the bed in the house because he feared people wanted him dead but I know it's to keep my mum in line. She was scared of him more than we were.

The gun was heavy and I held it just staring. The lump in my throat appeared again, and the water was building up in my eyes. I heard someone running upstairs and Terry shouting. 'WHERE THE FUCK ARE THOSE BASTARDS IMMA TEACH THEM A LESSON TODAY!' Terry screamed. swhich brought me back to reality. Holding the gun in the tea towel I found I looked myself in the mirror and told myself to man up. I heard Terry going into all the rooms until he found himself in mine. I always told Aaron to lock his doors when he came into mine so Terry would think he was locked in there and I would get the beatings instead.

I heard him knocking stuff over in my room as he shouted my name. 'You said you wouldn't touch him again! TERRY PLEASE!' She screamed.

I heard Aaron scream and I knew he must've found him. That's when I left the room to see Terry had his hand in mid air about to slap Aaron. 'Dont fucking touch my brother!' I screamed as tears ran down my face angrily. He turned to me as I stood with the gun at my side, shaking. He threw Aaron to the floor and made his way towards me. My mum stood to protect me but he slapped her down. Which made me even more angry.

'What the fuck did you say to me you little bast-.' He said running towards me but I didn't give him a chance to finish. I held the gun and pointed it at him. I was shaking but I didn't speak. Every thing around me seemed blocked out, I couldn't hear my mum screaming to stop or Aaron's cries and I didn't even hear what he was saying.

I just lifted the gun and pointed it at this man that was making my life horrible. With the gun in my hand, I took the safety off. I'd watched documentaries on how to do this so I knew what I was doing. But this was my first time really hold one. I knew I didn't want nobody to hurt my mum or Aaron. So I pulled the trigger I just heard a loud bang. I shot him. I watched his body fall in almost slow motion as it hit the ground. And that's when everything came back. I heard my mum screaming and crying. And Aaron stare at me In shock. Blood was spewing everywhere from Terry. But it was finished now.

I killed my mums boyfriend when I was 10 years old and that was the start of my legacy....


What do ya'll think? This book is about to be crazy but get ready. I think this is about to be my best work ❤️

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Keisha x

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