1- geezers and guys at bars

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Disclaimer- I'm British if you didn't already guess so you might not understand some slang in here but it's cool if you don't. I'm sure if you comment when you are confused I will reply and tell you what it means. Thanks for reading.

Your pov

It has been a couple weeks now that I have put off meeting my boyfriend and generally talking to him.

It isn't like he has tried to talk to me though either. We are just together but don't want to be the bad guy to end it all.

It was all fun and dandy to begin with but it soon went down hill when I didn't want to leave my bed in the morning.

Not wanting to move and a boyfriend who wants to see you all the time isn't a really good mix.

So I decided to just end it here. To take matters in my own hands and just man up.

Y/n: hey let's break up

Dan: ok

Even though I wanted to break up with him this response doesn't really make me feel very valued.

Oh well but like I can talk when I just broke up with him. What did I expect? I went to bed and tried to sleep.

~~Next day~~

I pulled myself out of bed, got changed and went to work. Maybe today would be different.

I got to work and started to type away at my little computer. Pretty boring stuff.

The only exciting thing at my work was taking the tea bags that were free when no one was looking. Who doesn't love free things? Oh, and my pal, Phil.

I went back to my seat and typed away letting out the occasional sigh. I didn't even realise I was sighing though.

That is until my next door neighbour (not actual next door neighbour just the person on the next computer along) started a conversation.

"Y/n what's wrong? You've been sighing all day and no offense but your eye bags deeper than the pacific ocean." Said phil.

"I broke up with my boyfriend but he didn't really care and I'm starting to wonder if the time I spent with him ever ment anything to him."

"He must be gay if he didn't care about you." phil said with a tone of shock in his voice.

"I will give you his number, see if you can actually make him gay." I smiled at him. A genuine smile which was becoming quite rare.

"Oooo a challenge! I bet a bar of chocolate I can make him gay." He held out his hand for me to shake.

"Deal" I said before doing more work and then eventually going home not forgetting to message Phil Dan's number.

Now it was time to get myself back out there. I needed to go to a place where people just get drunk, do drugs, dance and maybe even makeout.

I put on a tight dress that sucked in my awkward lil belly fat that won't go away and a shit ton of makeup which I was bound to sweat off.

After drinking some of my own alcohol at home because alcohol at clubs is so expensive I called a taxi and went to the club.

I was in the middle of everyone dancing my heart out with other drunk sweaty people. The loud music and lights drowned out everything around me. The only other thing pulling me back into reality was the clammy bodies pushing against me.

But soon enough I needed to pee so I made my way out of the crowd. After going to the toilet and washing my hands my attention turned to someone crying in the corner.

"Girl, who did it?" I slurred getting closer to where she sat curled up in a ball. "It was my boyfriend. He left me but he is at the club and I just saw him. And he glared. Did I even mean anything to him?" She said between sobs.

"What does he look like? I'm gonna have to fight him for you." I said very overconfidently. "He is like handsome and has black hair." I sighed because litterally everyone here looked like that.

"Just show me a picture" she pulled out her phone and showed me her lockscreen. Holy shiles was he hot but he broke this girls heart.

I got up and went outside the bathroom and to my surprise he was just sat at the bar having a drink. I walked up to him and sat next to him sure to give him my best glare.

"My friend I just met told me you broke her heart." I spat at him but he didn't seem to be listening to me. "Do I look short to you?" He said out of nowhere. Shocked I shook my head.

"Are you sure because all of my friends are taller than me. But like there is this one friend who is taller than me by just a little and he gets bullied by the rest of my friends because he is short."

He looked at me just to make sure I was listening before carrying on with his drunk nonsense but strangely I wanted to listen. Maybe it was because he was single, hot, could talk and I was single and just needed a hug.

"But why doesn't anyone bully me about my height? Do I seem like I'm unaprochable or scary. It's just that when my friend who is so pure is just put down and that should be me. I should be getting all the hate and not him. He has enough going on and he doesn't need any more negative veiws on himself."

I nodded slowly taking in how sad this dude was over the smallest things and how much he cared for his friend. I just gave him a hug because I didn't want to hit this guy anymore.

I gave him a small kiss on his forehead before getting some paper from the bar tender and writing a message and my number on it before slipping it into his pocket along with money for the taxi and leaving.

I got home and went to bed forgetting about personal hygiene and my new white sheets. Looks like I'm gonna have to wash my sheets like ten times or just buy new ones.

R.i.p white sheets 2018-2018 :(

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