3- burst lips and bitch faces

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Your pov

"So you are telling me that Dan was gay all along?" I stared at Phil as he nodded his head. "And he has already agreed to be your boyfriend?" I sighed knowing damn well that Phil was expecting me to buy him chocolate now.

I was quite dissapointed in the fact that Dan probably just felt sorry for me and didn't want to make me sad. Anyway I should still be happy for Phil, he was pretty excited to be dating someone so different and unique.

I just hope deep down inside of me that Dan and Phil get along and stay in a stable, strong relationship for a long time. I would be truly gutted if Dan made Phil feel as worthless as he made me feel because Phil doesn't deserve that.

Once I got off work I walked home because I enjoyed the breeze of the cold wind as the day turned into night but I soon came to regret that decision. A group of girls walking towards me were all glaring and whispering as they got closer to me. Don't know why though. Why do teens these days have to be so scary?

One of the girls pushed into me as they walked past. "Excuse me!" I said turning around expecting to see their backs or them flipping me off.

To my surprise they were facing me and seemed to all suffer with a disease called resting bitch face. Just by looking at these girls and their attitude made me want to slap them. Where are their parents?

"Do you know min yoongi?" Said one of them. I looked at them confused.

"Never met him? Not even at a bar?" Another said.

"Do you not remember him? Not even how you kissed his precious forehead?" The third girl said.

This really was creepy. Not only the fact that these girls knew about me meeting that dude at the bar last night but the way they talked scared me. Who talks in threes? Can these girls mind read or something?

"Wait? What? But how do you know?" The girls seemed to look shocked.

"Are you really that stupid or do you think that this is a game?" The first girl spat.

"Do you not know anything? Do you even know what an internet connection is?" The second girl scoweled.

"Do you seriously not know that Min Yoongi is a kpop idol? Are you playing dumb?" The third girl spoke stepping forward making me back away.

The first girl stepped forward and I was unable to step back as I was against the wall. She brought up her hand to slap me.

"You want everyone to believe that you kissed him not knowing he was famous?" *slap*

"I could call the police and tell them that it was harassment." *slap*

"You really are dirt to use someone in such a vulnerable state." *slap*

The girl grabbed my hair and threw me to the floor. "Do you think we're stupid?" They proceeded to kick me. Before my vision went black I could faintly see people walking on the other side of the road ignoring the situation and not wanting to get involved.

Let's be realistic. If someone is being beaten up in front of you no one would help, they would all be too scared of getting hurt themselves to think of anything else. And if you see someone on the floor unconscious you aren't going to wake them up. They might be homeless or a drug dealer or have some sort of criminal record. Right?

You often believe that they must have done something to get hit and beaten up and that is why I woke up in the same place. On a cold pavement with dry blood on my lip and bruises all over my body.

I got up and immediately felt the cold wind making me shiver. Darkness had completely enveloped the world with only dim street lights to show me my way. I checked my pockets and luckily I hadn't been mugged yet. I put my keys in between my knuckles anticipating danger, not trusting my surroundings anymore. 

I walked the lonely streets until I reached my door. I locked the door and windows, double checked, triple checked and checked again. I closed the blinds making sure no one could see in or out.

Finally, I googled min yoongi and I quickly found the tweets about me. I saw the picture of me kissing his forehead. What was i thinking?

I started to read the comments:

"How dare this hoe touch my precious oppa!!!!!"

"That ugly attention whore needs to know her place."

"Delet urself."

"That girl is faker than the moon landing."

"Honestly it makes me so disgusted when people take advantage of drunk and vulnerable people."

"I wouldn't even be mad if someone already killed her."

"Drink bleach."

"Why haven't bighit done anything about this yet? It is basically rape."

I spent that night reading comments, happy that wine existed to numb the pain.

In the morning I got changed and went out the door not forgetting to take a bottle of vodka just in case. My makeupless face and tired eyes really alarmed Phil when I sat down.

"Y/n, Are you ok?" He spoke carefully as if I was bound to shatter like glass. I flinched as he touched my shoulder because my body still hurt from yesterday.

I met his eyes with mine unable to respond. He bent down to my level "I can't help if you don't tell me." I sighed but before I could go any further he whisper shouted "y/n What the heck? I can smell the alcohol on your breath! How drunk are you right now? What happened? You know you could get fired for being drunk while in work!"

He was right. I sighed before getting gum out of my bag trying to mask the smell. "I'll be fine." I responded to Phil but he didn't seem sold. Instead of putting effort into carrying on the conversation I did my work.

Once off work I walked home not trusting how small and suffocating the bus was. I was still on guard with my keys in between my knuckles. Without going a couple minutes looking around me to see who was around me I made it to a shop to get more wine, vodka and Phil's chocolate.

After the shop I got home locked the doors and windows. Double checked, triple checked and checked once more. I closed the blinds making sure no one could see in or out. My days became constant replays of the last like it was stuck in repeat.

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