Chapter 1

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Neko sat down at his desk with a long sigh of relief. It had been a long day of work for him, having to tell people to turn their computers off and on again. With nothing else to do, he logged on to discord in preparation for a long day of harassing archive egirls. However, as he was about to do this he noticed a strange notification - it was the notorious discord user Penguin, also known as critical.

"Penguin?" He quietly muttered to himself. It was unusual for penguin to dm him out of the blue; usually it's only his lover, asdf.

Surprised but not alarmed, neko opened the messages to see what was contained within.
"Neko" they read.
"I know we don't speak privately much but I can't hold this in anymore. Please call me as soon as possible."
Fearing the worst, neko clicked the video call button to be almost instantaneously greeted with penguins nervous smile.

"What's up kitten?" Neko questioned in his gruff, Londoner accent.
"U-umm.. there's something I've been hiding from you for a while, neko." Penguin responded. "I love you! I love you so much I can't hold it back anymore! I know you're not against gay stuff neko, I've heard about you and asdf."
"Oh.. this is sudden" neko sounded flustered, clearly taken aback by penguins sudden confession.
"You have my dox right?" Penguin asked. "If so, please come to me. I can't wait anymore".
And just like that, the call was over, and neko knew what he had to do.

He booked the quickest flight to America he could find, and drove himself to the airport almost immediately. He had a duty as a dom to carry out, and he couldn't disappoint.

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