Chapter 2

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After flying to the nearest airport, neko got a taxi to penguins house. Walking up to his front door, neko realised he was a little nervous. He'd never done something like this before, after all. Before he could back out, the door opened, and there was penguin dressed in only a white robe.
"I've been waiting, you know?" He exclaimed.
"I know, Prince, but I'm here now. You don't need to hold yourself back any longer" neko replied, and with that, he rushed in and pinned his soon-to-be lover against the wall.

"D-daddy.. aaah~♡" penguin moaned. He felt so small against the tall male, so weak and vulnerable. Neko gave him no chance to escape anyway - he was a hunter and he hungered for his prey.
"You can't back out now, you know" neko whispered; pressing himself against his lover. He unzipped his pants and with just one command, penguin knew exactly what to do, shoving nekos member into his mouth almost immediately, like he was starving for it.

Penguin started sucking, becoming more and more forceful each time. His cock was already bulging from this act alone, forcing itself against his pants so hard it was as if it was trying to escape.

"Do you want it that much, kitten?" Neko asked, clearly enjoying himself.
"Then get on your knees and beg for it, you dirty slut".
Wanting nothing more than to be ordered around by his master, penguin did as he was told. Leaning down at nekos feet, he started to beg, with a voice so frail it sounded like he was almost crying.
"Daddy, please. I need it so badly, I'll do anything. Please, I'm so desperate!"

And with that, neko turned away and walked into another room, much larger than the hallway they had previously been standing in. Penguin followed quickly, not wanting to lose this chance to elope with his lover. Neko pushed penguin down to the floor and took off his robe, kissing him with such force that he couldn't think straight.

"Bend over" neko whispered into the boys ear.
"You know what to do".
And with that, he shoved his throbbing cock into penguins waiting backside, forcing himself in as deep as he possibly could.
"Aaaaaah~♡" penguin let out a moan with each thrust neko took. Precum was already dripping out of his dick, spreading everywhere as neko stroked it at the same time.
"Daddy, aaaaahhh~! its so good! I want even more of you in me, so let it out inside my butt!" Penguin shouted.
"As you wish, my little kitten", neko responded, and with a slap of penguins arse he came, spraying his juices inside penguin and moaning all the while.

"Aaah~ Neko, that felt so, so, good". Penguin whispered, clearly exhausted.

"Did you think it was over yet?"


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